Preprints * = graduate student ** = undergraduate student
- Queueing Management of Reducing the Overlaps of Customers in Service Systems Submitted. (joint with Young Myoung Ko, Jin Xu, and Min Kong)
- The Number of Overlapping Customers in the Erlang-A Queue: An Asymptotic Approach Submitted. (joint with Young Myoung Ko and Jin Xu)
- Overlap Times for the GI^B/GI/Infinity Queue Submitted. (joint with *Sergio Palomo)
- A Note on the M^B/G/1 Queue Submitted.
- Mean Field Queues with Delayed Information Submitted. (joint with *Philip Doldo)
- A Note on the Interpretation of Distributed Delay Equations Submitted. (joint with *Philip Doldo)
- Non-stationary Queues with Batch Arrivals Submitted. (joint with *Andrew Daw and Brian Fralix)
- Queues with Delayed Information: A Probabilistic Perspective Submitted. (joint with *Sophia Novitzky)
- The Value of Flexible Customers via Join the Shortest of d Queues Submitted. (joint with *Shuang Tao and *Woo-Hyung Cho)
- A Stochastic Model for Electric Scooter Systems Submitted. (joint with *Shuang Tao, **Anders Wikum)
- The Impact of Smartphone Apps on Bike Sharing Systems Submitted. (joint with *Shuang Tao) Simulation Video #1, Simulation Video #2
- Analyzing the Spotify Top 200: A Point Process Lens Submitted. (joint with **M. Harris, **C. Park, **S. Yu, **B. Liu, **G. Ren, **R. Ramireddy, **M. Feng, *A. Daw)
- How to Staff When Customers Arrive in Batches Submitted. (joint with *Andrew Daw and Robert Hampshire )
- To Update or Not to Update: Queues with Information Updates Submitted. (joint with *Sophia Novitzky)
- Dynamic Control of Nonstationary Queueing Networks Submitted. (joint with **Ziyuan Qin ) Matlab Code
- Approximations for the Moments of Nonstationary and State Dependent Birth-Death Queues Submitted. (2018) (joint with Stefan Engblom )
Published Papers Organized by Year
- Flattening the Curve: Insights from Queueing Theory PLOS One. (joint with *Sergio Palomo, William Massey, Robert Hampshire)
- The Co-Production of Service: Modeling Service Times in Contact Centers Using Hawkes Processes Management Science. (joint with *Andrew Daw, *Antonio Castellanos, Galit Yom-Tov, Leor Gruendlinger)
- Simulating Justice: Simulation of Stochastic Models for Community Bail Funds Winter Simulation Conference (2023). (joint with ** Sophia Gunluk and *Yidan Zhang)
- Using Simulation to Study the Impact of Covid-19 Policies on the Availability of Childcare Winter Simulation Conference (2023). (joint with **Adam Cahall, **Jasmine Eng, **Jane Gao and **Ben Hilbert)
- K-Nearest Neighbor Queues with Delayed Information International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.
- Queues with Delayed Information: Analyzing the Impact of the Choice Model Function International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. (joint with * Philip Doldo)
- Matrix Calculations for Moments of Markov Processes Advances in Applied Probability. (joint with *Andrew Daw )
- Group Symmetries and Bike Sharing for M/M/1/k Queueing Transience Queueing Systems. (joint with *Emmanuel Ekwedike, Robert Hampshire, and William Massey)
- Overlap Times in the Infinite Server Queue Probability in Engineering and Informational Sciences. (joint with *Sergio Palomo )
- Queues with Delayed Information: A Dynamical Systems Perspective SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. (joint with Faouzi Lakrad and Richard Rand)
- Multi-Delay Differential Equations: A Taylor Expansion Approach International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. (joint with *Philip Doldo)
- Queues with Updating Information: Finding the Amplitude of Oscillations International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. (joint with *Philip Doldo)
- Breaking the Symmetry in Queues with Delayed Information International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. (joint with *Philip Doldo and Richard Rand)
- An Ephemerally Self-Exciting Point Process Advances in Applied Probability. (joint with *Andrew Daw )
- Ride Along: Using Simulation to Staff the Ithaca Police Department Winter Simulation Conference (2021). (joint with **Christopher Archer and **Matthew Ziron)
- Uniting Simulation and Machine Learning for Response Time Prediction in Processor Sharing Queues Winter Simulation Conference (2021). (joint with **Elena Zhang)
- Combining Simulation and Machine Learning for Response Time Prediction for the Shortest Remaining Processing Time Discipline Winter Simulation Conference (2021). (joint with **Sukriti Sudhakar and **Eva Zhang)
- Measuring the Overlap with Other Customers in the Single Server Queue Winter Simulation Conference (2021). (joint with *Sergio Palomo)
- Learning the Tandem Lindley Recursion Winter Simulation Conference (2021). (joint with *Sergio Palomo)
- Learning Lindley’s Recursion Winter Simulation Conference (2020). (joint with *Sergio Palomo)
- Limiting the Oscillations in Queues with Delayed Information Through a Novel Type of Delay Announcement Queueing Systems. (joint with *Sophia Novitzky, Richard Rand, and Elizabeth Wesson)
- A Stochastic Analysis of Bike Sharing Systems Probability in Engineering and Informational Sciences. (joint with *Shuang Tao)
- Beyond Safety Drivers: Applying Air Traffic Control Principles to Support the Deployment of Driverless Vehicles PLOS One. (joint with Shan Bao, *Andrew Daw, Robert Hampshire, Walter Lasecki)
- On the Distributions of Infinite Server Queues with Batch Arrivals Queueing Systems. (joint with *Andrew Daw )
- Stochastic Analysis of Queues with Customer Choice and Constant Delays Mathematics of Operations Research. (joint with Richard Rand and Elizabeth Wesson )
- The Impact Using Simulation to Study the Last to Enter Service Delay Announcement in Multi-server Queues Winter Simulation Conference (2019). (joint with **Aditya Shah and **Anders Wikum )
- The Impact of Queue Length Rounding and Delayed App Information on Disney World Queues Winter Simulation Conference (2018). (joint with **Samantha Nirenberg and *Andrew Daw)
- Exact Simulation of the Queue-Hawkes Process Winter Simulation Conference (2018). (joint with *Andrew Daw )
- Non-linear Dynamics in Queueing Theory: Determining Size of Oscillations in Queues with Delayed Information SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. (joint with *Sophia Novitzky, Richard Rand, Elizabeth Wesson )
- Queues Driven by Hawkes Processes Stochastic Systems. (joint with *Andrew Daw )
- New Perspectives on the Erlang-A Queue Advances in Applied Probability. (joint with *Andrew Daw )
- Dynamic Rate Erlang-A Queues Queueing Systems. (joint with William A. Massey )
- An Asymptotic Analysis of Queues with Delayed Information and Time Varying Arrival Rates Nonlinear Dynamics (joint with Richard Rand and Elizabeth Wesson )
- Using Simulation to Study the Impact of Racial Demographics on Blood Transfusion Allocation Policies Winter Simulation Conference (2017). (joint with **Marie Kahara ) Video of Blood Simulator
- Delay-Differential Equations Applied to Queueing Theory European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference 2017 (joint with Richard Rand and Elizabeth Wesson )
- Queues with Choice via Delay Differential Equations International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (joint with Richard Rand and Elizabeth Wesson )
- Diffusion Limits for the (MAP/PH/∞)^N Queueing Network Operations Research Letters (joint with Young Myoung Ko )
- Strong Approximations for Time Varying Infinite-Server Queues with Non-Renewal Arrival and Service Processes Stochastic Models (joint with Young Myoung Ko )
- Strong Approximations for the Queue Length Distributions of Time-Varying Many-Server Queues INFORMS Journal on Computing (joint with Young Myoung Ko )
- Optimal Staffing of Service Centers Naval Research Logistics (joint with Jerome Niyirora )
- A Law of Large Numbers for M/M/C Delay-off Setup Queues with Nonstationary Arrivals 23rd International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (joint with Tuan Phung-Duc )
- Comparisons of Ticket and Standard Queues in Heavy Traffic Queueing Systems (joint with Otis Jennings )
- Sampling the Kolmogorov Forward Equations: Applications to Nonstationary Queueing Networks INFORMS Journal on Computing (2016)
- Risk Measures and Their Application to Staffing Nonstationary Service Systems European Journal of Operational Research (2016)
- Approximating and Stabilizing Dynamic Rate Jackson Networks with Abandonment Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (2016) (joint with William A. Massey )
- An Analysis of Nonstationary Coupled Queues Telecommunications Systems (2015)
- Nonstationary Loss Queues Via Cumulant Moment Approximations Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (2015) **Honorable Mention INFORMS Telecommunications (2016) Best Paper Award**
- The Truncated Normal Distribution: Applications to Queues with Impatient Customers Operations Research Letters (2015)
- Gram Charlier Expansions for Time Varying Multiserver Queues with Abandonment SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics (2014)
- A Poisson-Charlier Approximation for Nonstationary Queues Operations Research Letters (2014)
- Gaussian Skewness Approximation for Dynamic Rate Multiserver Queues with Abandonment Queueing Systems (2013) (joint with William A. Massey ) **INFORMS 2011 Best Paper Award**
- Skewness Variance Approximation for Dynamic Rate MultiServer Queues with Abandonment ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (2011) (joint with William A. Massey )