
ENGRG 1050 – Engineering Seminar

First-year engineering students meet in groups of 18 to 20 students weekly with their faculty advisors. Discussions may include the engineering curriculum and student programs, what engineers do, the character of engineering careers, active research areas in the college and in engineering in general, and study and examination skills useful for engineering students. Groups may visit campus academic, engineering, and research facilities.

ENGRD 2700 – Engineering Probability and Statistics I

This course gives students a working knowledge of basic probability and statistics and their application to engineering processes. Includes computer analysis of data and simulation. Topics include random variables, probability distributions, expectation, estimation, testing, experimental design, quality control, and regression.

ORIE 3500 – Engineering Probability and Statistics II

A rigorous foundation in theory combined with the methods for modeling, analyzing, and controlling randomness in engineering problems. Probabilistic ideas are used to construct models for engineering problems, and statistical methods are used to test and estimate parameters for these models. Specific topics include random variables, probability distributions, density functions, expectation and variance, multidimensional random variables, and important distributions including normal, Poisson, exponential, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and point estimation using maximum likelihood and the method of moments.

ORIE 4130 – Service System Modeling and Design

Service systems arise primarily from the service sector of the economy. Examples are contact centers (also known as call centers), airlines, insurance and healthcare. This course describes techniques that are useful in the analysis and design of such systems. The class is structured around a number of cases. The emphasis is on modeling, solving the models, and interpreting the results. Both operational and strategic decisions are covered through appropriate examples.

ORIE 6500 – Applied Stochastic Processes

Introduction to stochastic processes that presents the basic theory together with a variety of applications. Topics include Markov processes, renewal theory, random walks, branching processes, Brownian motion, stationary processes, martingales, and point processes.

ORIE 6520 – A Random Walk Through Applied Probability

This course covers heavy traffic limit theorems for queueing processes using weak convergence methods, strong embedding methods, and strong approximations.