Fun Painting

I wouldn’t really consider myself a good artist so I don’t do things like painting or drawing often but I had a lot of fun with this event. It was good to actually get to attend a scholar event in person and get to meet some of the other people in living in Rose. I was also happy to be outside and take some time to destress at the end of a a very stressful semester. I think that my tree kind of ended up looking like a monster so I can’t say that I’m totally satisfied with what I made during this session, but I enjoyed talking with people and there were some very talented artists here and I’m glad I got to see their work.

2 thoughts on “Fun Painting

  1. What do you mean you’re not a good artist?! Your painting is amazing!! I love that Rose House gives us opportunities like these to destress while outdoors. I attended the Rose Scholars hike weeks ago, and I’d say it was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had this semester. It’s important to set aside time from work to focus on your well being.