Activism and Social Media

When I think back to the essence of social media, especially platforms like Instagram, they present a foundation for connectivity, entertainment, promotion, and marketing on which we users interact. Without invalidating the good intentions and ripple effect of advocacy through social media, I do worry that the lighthearted if not commercial nature of these outlets dilute the gravity of subjects as political unrest and social debates that we should be approaching with diligent research and reasoning. Do we carry the analytically rigorous mindset demanded in a classroom towards the infographics we browse on social media? Weighty issues like inequity or injustices should concern, not tantalize, while a heightened sensitivity to aesthetics on the Gram colors the lens through which we view them. Similarly, our fixation with soundbites that do well to shock and draw echos tend to drill a stance into people’s minds, effectively reducing issues to black and white. In stripping away the inherent nuance to controversies that made them contentious in the first place, on this platform where presentation is monetized over substance, I think more harm is done to drive apart opinion groups.

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One thought on “Activism and Social Media

  1. I think this is a very interesting perspective on how social media serves as a controversial means of activism. Looking back at what Instagram used to be, a collective for artists and creatives to post their work, and looking at what it is now I think that platforms like Instagram were never intended to hold such a weight that they do on our lives in present day. We put so much pressure on the digital instead of focusing on the physical and tangible aspect of society.