House Fellow Interview

It was nice getting to know Lombardi on a personal level and I enjoyed meeting Ken Roberts for the first. I wish I took the opportunities given in the past to meet more House fellows because they are such interesting people with unique stories to tell. Lombardi’s background and how he came into his position at Cornell were very inspiring to me. I think his story highlights that your goals might change and be sidetracked but it is important to work at your passion and do what you enjoy. Lombardi knew that he wanted to help kids, and he gave himself the space to explore what he really wanted to do. I want to keep this in mind for my future career goals.

Fork- Queen’s Gambit

I kind of dreaded watching episode 5 and I was very anxious throughout the episode because it’s frustrating seeing Beth always have to face these obstacles and hardships. She goes from being really dependent to being very independent because of the tragedy she experiences. But I guess this is a part of adulting and growing up. This episode also highlights Beth’s character flaw, which a lot of people with big egos also have. She keeps on insisting that she can’t be beaten in chess which actually weakens her ability. This flaw has already been mentioned and I think it will continue to be a major plot in future episodes. I like how Harry gave her a reality check and tried to humble her.

New Orleans- A Drowned Culture

Watching the film was a full-circle experience for me. In eight-grade my school took us to New Orleans and was able to experience first-hand the rich culture of New Orleans, that the film mentions. I was able to volunteer in a variety of ways while also hearing about how Hurricane Katrina affected residents of New Orleans, from a first account experience. I think school curriculums should do a better job at teaching the positive parts of American history. It is very ironic that Faubourg Treme is a historic black neighborhood that plays a large part in the economic, cultural, political, and social development of black America, yet very few Americans know its significance.

Middle Game: Gambit Episode 4

It was refreshing to see Beth come out of her shell more in this episode. It was also relatable to see her try to balance her life because she was struggling with her social life while still trying to be at the top of her game when it comes to chess. The scene humanized Beth and made her more relatable to me because I got to see her anxiety going into the game. I really appreciate how the producers give us a first-hand account of her thoughts while she is actually playing chess. Also, I’m hoping that Beth can experience some more positive things because she seems to be surrounded by tragedies and missed opportunities.

A Session of Crocheting

Going into the second session of the crochet workshop, I had way more confidence in my abilities this time around. I worked fast through the single crochet and was able to start on double crocheting. Seeing other’s people’s progress from the first workshop motivated me to want to finish the project completely. I also really enjoyed talking to Ferra because she is very patient and understanding. I can’t wait to see what other crocheting projects I complete in the future.

Reintroducing Crochet

Going into the workshop I was a bit nervous because I really wasn’t sure what I would remember from the past. Once I started crocheting, I remembered how relaxing it was for me and I kind of regretted letting it go as a hobby when I was younger. The color of the yarn was an ombre of blue and white and it made me more excited about crocheting. The SA was also very accommodating and encouraging which made the experience more enjoyable. She stopped for people who were confused and didn’t mind replaying the tutorial which was so helpful.

The Introduction- Queen’s Gambit

I was surprised watching the first episode of the series. Many of my friends and siblings have suggested the show to me, but I never personally got around to watching it. From the description that my friends gave me, I was expecting something completely different so I was happy I gave the show a try, in order to make my own judgments on the series. The show really wasn’t anything I was expecting. A memorable thing that happened during the episode was learning about Beth’s adjustment to the orphanage. At the end, when Beth takes too many tranquilizers and gets caught by Helen, that was a major cliff-hanger to me. I can’t wait to watch next week’s episode.

The Reality Of Housing Segregation

It was really disheartening to hear how some people are still unaware of the issue of housing segregation. Living in Bedstuy, I have seen firsthand the effects of gentrification. From the increase in property value, the pushing out of minority communities to the increase in bodega prices. It’s so crazy to me that people still get upset and make the comment that race doesn’t need to be brought into everything. But this housing issue highlights that race littery affects everything. Professor Collin’s research is inspiring and I hope more people are informed about this important issue.

Calligraphy & Handlettering

Practicing calligraphy was a really enjoyable experience for me. I haven’t practiced in a while, but I was happy the skill came back to me after a few practice strokes. The guide that the SA provided was very helpful because it allowed me to practice and focus on whatever specific letter I needed with help. I also enjoyed how it was a new experience for the SA, her excitement and her being open to making mistakes were encouraging. The pen that was given to me made the writing more difficult than usual, so it was a new and challenging experience for me.