Inserting a Horizontal Rule (Line)

All About the Webpage > Editing a Webpage > > Inserting a Horizontal Rule (Line)

After logging in, navigate to the webpage you want to edit, select the edit tab to access the edit overlay window.

Horizontal Rule

To place a horizontal rule on a webpage, place your cursor where you want the horizontal rule to appear, then click the horizontal rule button on the tool bar.

horizontal rule button

Applying a style to a Horizontal Rule

There are a number of styles that may be applied to the horizontal rule. Choose the Source button on the toolbar to open the HTML editor.  Find the tag <hr /> in the HTML code, and add a class(es) to the horizontal rule tag.  Here is a code example of a horizontal rule using two classes, one to make it thicker and the other to change the color to green.

Code example

<hr class=”extra-heavy accent5″ />

For a list and example of all horizontal rules that may be applied please see the sample style webpage.
