Embedding a Video

As per our policy, we do not host any videos. You can upload your videos to YouTube, CornellCast, or Vimeo and embed them in Drupal. You can also host your videos on Panopto, and provide a link to it in Drupal.

After logging in, navigate to the webpage you want to edit, select the edit tab to access the edit overlay window.

To embed a video or other media on a webpage you must first get the embed code.  In edit mode, place your cursor on your webpage where you want the embedded media to appear.  Click the embed button on the toolbar.

Embed media button

The embed media dialog box will appear.  Paste the embed code and click OK.

embed media dialog window

A place holder appears in the text editor.  The video or other media is not visible until you Save the webpage changes.

embedded file in edit mode




