The right place for me

I connected with the discussion at the beginning about finding a path in college and looking for a career. Ryan and Ken both came to their jobs in indirect ways and I think its inspiring to see someone else taking a roundabout path. When I was younger I was interested in going into literature or creative writing, but as I got older I felt this pressure to do something more industrial and STEM-related. I decided to do engineering and went to college for one year in an engineering school but once I got there I realized that I was more interested in math and science over the practical parts of a degree. I ended up transferring to Cornell to study physics. In some sense I think I came back to my creative roots. The academic side of physics feels more free and creative than the engineering that I would’ve done. That being said I still worry about changing plans so much that I won’t have time to follow a path to a meaningful in depth, but hearing Ken and Ryan talk about how they ended up in a successful place makes me realize that I don’t have to worry about a final career path so early. For now I’ll just float around taking the classes I’m interested in and eventually I’ll end up in the right place for me.

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