Keynote: Full Circle

This talk had several speakers, but one in particular who stood out to me was Santee Smith, who was also billed as Tekaronhiáhkhwa, or Picking Up The Sky. Smith is a member of the Kahnyen’kehàka Nation, which is located several hours North from Ithaca. This is what stood out to me, since the Native communities I interact with most are from California, where I’m from and where my family originated from.

I don’t know much about Native history outside of California, so when Smith spoke, I was eager to hear about the histories. She touched on the abusive schooling practices geared toward tribal children, which I’d mostly heard about from teachers or online. The part I enjoyed most was her art film: this was rooted in her own experience, and the experiences of her community. Her work was beautiful, and I was glad that she showed it to us as a Keynote speaker.

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