Mental Health Awareness

I thought this was a very interesting and helpful interview of Laura Weiss and Christa Downey. Something that really stood out to me was their parting advice at the end. One thing Christa spoke of remaining committed to your calendar so you can be at your best. I really liked this comment for it highlighted to me that you need to have self-control to ensure the best success for yourself. I have always really struggled with holding myself accountable, but this does seem like a good way to start. One thing Laura spoke of was separating yourself from your work and not letting it become your main identity. I must agree that this is something I really needed to hear. It becomes easy to assume that all that matters in your life is your work, but there is so much more to live for. All in all, I am really happy to have listened to these two panelists share their backstory and give some really great advice to us.

One thought on “Mental Health Awareness

  1. I totally agree with the part about how difficult it is to keep yourself accountable. At the beginning of the semester I was super productive but got so burnt out by the end that I could not keep myself to my to-do list whatsoever. I will definitely try the method of truly committing to your calendar!