Climate and Inequality

This was quite a different event than what I have been attending this semester, but it was super informative and very interesting! Many things were said during this keynote, but something that particularly stood out to me was that climate change is not only a threat multiplier, but that it is also a form of additional systemic racism that is ingrained in our society. I never thought of it this way until Dean Ben Houlton shared that in the USA African Americans are 3x more likely than white people to live in inferior housing and have poor access to things like air conditioning which is needed for climate protection. They are also more likely to die from air pollution. I find this all to be very disturbing, and I feel like action must be taken to protect those who are most vulnerable. I think that one way to do this would be prioritizing and supporting these BIPOC communities with the latest technology as this could successfully lead to a new green economy.

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