“We can fly with our spirit” – Kiki’s Delivery Service

I’ve been a fan of Studio Ghibli films for a while and was very excited that one of the Friday films would be showcasing one. Kiki’s Delivery Service has gorgeous animation and the same whimsical spirit that makes Ghibli films so timeless. I had watched this movie before several years ago, and when watching again for this event, Kiki’s overzealous enthusiasm to begin her new independent life as a witch really reminded me of the college experience, and the feeling of burnout when it comes to pushing yourself too hard in your work in search of that independence. Throughout the movie, Kiki is desperate to prove herself and not be a failure when it comes to helping others with her magic. She takes on continuously hard jobs in order to prove her worth, thus over-extending herself in the process, and finding herself getting sick, losing interest in her hobbies, and even beginning to lose her magic itself. Her magic, in my eyes, represents her drive and spirit – which is what allows her to fly and reach her ambitions. But refusing to rest and set reasonable goals to reach those ambitions leads to her losing that spirit. This reminded me of a common experience when it comes to college and work itself, where outside pressures lead to people over-exerting themselves in pursuit of their goals and losing the drive that got them there, to begin with. Kiki’s Delivery Service reminded me that not pushing yourself too hard and taking the time to get the necessary rest, will allow one’s spirit to truly soar.

One thought on ““We can fly with our spirit” – Kiki’s Delivery Service

  1. Oh man, Kiki’s Delivery service is one of my favorite movies and you have done a good job here of describing a lot of what I find to be so good about it.