Understanding Our Climate And Our Society

The impact of climate change not only changes the physical world, but also has impacts on our society and culture. After listening to the LWYL cafe, I gained a new perspective on these effects. Professor Shi specifically mentioned adaptation in the context of climate change. She brought a new view that I had not considered before, specifically the idea that climate change can affect the way cities and populations are structured. As a professor in the school of city and regional planning, she studies how people move and adapt to the way the climate is changing. From deforestation to the depletion of coral reefs, these can have profound impacts on the human population, and these can play into the inequalities already present in the society. She mentioned the fact that she views the problem as connecting all the way back to Colonialism, which I had never considered before. In all, this was an interesting conversation that explored beyond the typical causes and effects of our changing climate.

One thought on “Understanding Our Climate And Our Society

  1. This was a Cafe event I really wish I could have attended! Professor Shi sounds like she really understands the longterm, structural planning that needs to go into to cities in order to circumvent disastrous consequences. Weather is one example, but colonialism is another that could hugely impact a society years down the line.