The Queen of Chess

I really enjoyed watching the Queens Gambit episode 4. This is a show that I normally would never graduate to on Netflix. I tend to watch a lot of telenovelas or older shows so this was a fresh choice for me. Beth began to learn Russian in this episode which I thought was very cool. Beth is very talented but she gets frustrated. She needs to continue learning and new techniques. It mirrored some of her earlier matches where she lost her cool. This episode and show feels inherently feminist. Ashley made a great point that she went from housewife and almost a decoration to showing her bad girl side. I feel proud of Beth for standing up to these intimidating men and trying to beat these men in a male-dominated field. I feel this in my own life as a lot of my hobbies and my major are in a male-dominated sector. I do however have absolutely no chess skills or desire to play chess at this point in my life.

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