Interview Time

I loved this Rose Buzz interview with Andy Zepp and Todd Bittner. I myself am studying agricultural sciences and found this all very compelling. Todd discussed how he manages a lot of lands and knows how many roles there are in the botanic gardens. I loved hearing about the favorite parts of their career. Todd is in awe of nature and recorded an increase in visitation to natural areas because of COVID-19.


Andrew loves seeing people agree and works with a land trust. He discussed how they had to change the way they work with safe processes and cleaning protocols, and how the legal system has closed down, but in general in a good financial state as a nonprofit.


We had a good discussion about how we are all outside more because of the pandemic.

Todd commented on how we get 25% new students every year and they usually don’t notice this resource. Todd also has gotten more freedom in his day-to-day schedule and can bike in the middle of the day because he is remote. I think of how on nice days I took my classes outside, which was never a feasible option before with most classes.


Andrew mentioned reopening in spring and that you can volunteer whenever you want and opportunities for photography that I might take up!


Todd commented on how it was foundational to get kids out in the world as a kid to support social and environmental justice. I agree 100% and hope that in my career I can be a changemaker towards this.

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