Queens Gambit Episode 5

This was a difficult episode for Beth. Coming back from her loss against Borgov and the death of her adoptive mother, Beth reaches a low in this episode, letting go of important things in her life and turning to alcohol. I was happy to see Harry come to help her with chess and help her work through this time emotionally and be someone to support her. Ultimately though, Harry couldn’t give Beth all that she needed for support or for chess. Beth needed to be able to work through her issues by focusing on herself, but also by taking on new challenges that push her to be better and accept that defeat is part of the road to success. She finds that in Benny, who whoops her butt repeated in speed chess and is one of the only people who has ever actually challenged Beth in chess. Ultimately, this seemed to help as she was able to beat Benny in the tournament. She also made a new friend to help her on the road to beating Borgov.

I liked this episode and watching Beth learn to let people help her and being forced out of her comfort zone in many different ways. I hope that in the end, she is able to use these hardships, experiences, and friends to achieve her final goal of beating Borgov.

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