Learning to Crochet!

When I didn’t manage to reserve a spot in the first crochet workshop, I was really disappointed; when the second workshop was announced in the weekly email, I jumped at the chance to re-enroll. I managed to reserve a spot, which I’m very grateful for. Following my confirmation email, I received supplies in my mailbox: a crochet needle, a ball of yarn, some sewing scissors, and some plastic bits to mark my progress. These all came in a small bag, which was great news, because I had none of those supplies lying around my dorm room.

During the workshop itself, I learned some of the basics to crochet stitches. I worked for a while on how to get my piece started, which took up the first half of the workshop, because it was all so new to me. I worked for a while then on how to extend my first yarn chain, and by the end, I had gotten a solid start to a crochet piece!

One thought on “Learning to Crochet!

  1. I was in a similar situation as you and had first started crocheting for the first time in this event, I can also relate to your frustration on how long it took to get use to/to set up the piece!