The Introduction- Queen’s Gambit

I was surprised watching the first episode of the series. Many of my friends and siblings have suggested the show to me, but I never personally got around to watching it. From the description that my friends gave me, I was expecting something completely different so I was happy I gave the show a try, in order to make my own judgments on the series. The show really wasn’t anything I was expecting. A memorable thing that happened during the episode was learning about Beth’s adjustment to the orphanage. At the end, when Beth takes too many tranquilizers and gets caught by Helen, that was a major cliff-hanger to me. I can’t wait to watch next week’s episode.

One thought on “The Introduction- Queen’s Gambit

  1. I always was surprised when I first watched this show! I didn’t see how a show about a girl playing chess could be so captivating, but when you wrap drugs, sex, and alcohol up with it, it has to be good!