Fear of failure

Shirley mentioned that when she went to college, she was able to go very young and work her way through with inexpensive fees. I was very impressed by how it made her more confident about going to grad school, because she didn’t have to worry so much about success: if she didn’t make it in academia, she knew how to find other work. This is something that I worry about quite a bit. At the moment I want to go to grad school, but looking around at what my peers are doing and what other grad students seem to have accomplished I’m very worried that I won’t make it in that world. The prospect of spending so much time only to fall short is very scary to me. Maybe I should try to follow Shirley’s path to some extent and start working a part-time job that’s completely unrelated to my academic interests, just so that I get that experience and lose some of my fear of failure.

One thought on “Fear of failure

  1. I think it is very natural to have doubts about whether what you are doing is good enough or will be good enough. One of the only ways to know if something is right for you is to truly go after it. When applying other peoples choices or paths to our lives, we can sometimes lose track of what we want and apply this one size fits all solution to our personal lives. You have to do what is best for you!