Timelessness of Jokes

I may be biased here but this was easily one of my favorite events of the semester. I found that the speaker Michael Fontaine had a very captivating presence and I was at the edge of my seat the entire time. His presentation was also very interesting and I learned a lot. Something that particularly stood out to me was that humor is universal. Many jokes from the ancient times are still very applicable today. This is because the principles (exaggerations, irony) are the same, meaning the jokes could likely work even thousands of years later. This was really mind-blowing to me. I will certainly now read Mr. Fontaine’s book as I am excited to learn so much more about jokes!

One thought on “Timelessness of Jokes

  1. Wow that’s such a cool point about the timelessness of jokes. It makes me wonder whether that is why certain slangs or memes can be popularized in some years, disappear for another few years, and then become popularized again!