Career Advice

I appreciated the career and life advice that was shared during the Fellow Interview with Professor Nicholson and Jason Hungerford. Both shared stories of their past experiences, and offered advice about our future. I really enjoyed hearing about Professor Nicholson’s path, and the fact that he also didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do. It was inspiring to hear him talk about being a high school teacher for a few years, and how hard of a job it was. He is someone who has been able to follow his passion, and is now doing research and teaching at an academic institution. This resonated with me, as I am trying to decide what I want to do after graduation. Hearing his path gave me a new perspective on figuring out what direction I would like to go in. The work that Jason does with the cancer resource center was also inspiring to hear about. Both of them have had very different paths in their career, but they both are doing something they are passionate about!

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