A New Beginning, This Time With Chess

In episode 2 of The Queens Gambit, we see Beth get adopted from the orphanage and meet her new parents. While I’m sure it’s never easy to get a new family and move into a new house with people you barely know, it was particularly difficult for Beth. Her parents only seemed vaguely interested in her, with the father seeming downright annoyed at her presence, and the mother, while not seeming annoyed, wasn’t entirely enthusiastic either. This episode also continued to show Beth’s resilience though. She was able to deal with whatever came her way, whether it be a new family, starting at a new school, or trying to play chess despite the strict lack of support for it. Her determination though proved itself. After successfully entering, and winning, the tournament with a cash prize, her mother’s attitude quickly changed. Although it was unclear whether she was simply interested in the money, or because she was genuinely impressed with Beth’s talent is yet to be seen though. Either way, Beth’s determination allowed her to gain support for her chess ambitions.

One thought on “A New Beginning, This Time With Chess

  1. I completely agree that he resilience is one of her strongest traits. She has to go through so much pain in life yet she pushes on. And in my opinion being mentally strong is one of the most important qualities for any human being.