Surprises and Doing My Part

In this LWYL cafe, one speaker spoke about how tens of millions of sharks are killed every year for their fins, and the rest of their body is wasted in the sea. She used art in order to protest against these actions and raised awareness. She then followed this up by saying that humans are the ultimate apex predator and that we have the ability to change the world in any shape or form we want. However, we are changing it for the worse for our own selfish desires. Firstly, I was shocked to see how many sharks were actually killed for their fins. I knew that this was an issue, but I didn’t realize it was this bad. It makes me incredibly sad and made me realize why my mother from Asia was so incredibly passionate about the shark fin debate (against taking and eating fins of course). Additionally, she goes on to talk about how other animals are being endangered due to humans’ selfish desires (and also made beautiful art to raise awareness for those animals as well). Some things are mostly out of our control such as rhino poaching, but we can all do our small part such as not littering and recycling goods that are recyclable. Back in my home town, many of my friends would litter instead of going to the trash can or waiting to throw out the trash once the car reaches its destination. Although I’m fairly responsible at doing my part in this matter, this seminar made me realize that I need to make a bigger effort by telling my friends that littering and other non-green actions are no okay and that we all need to pitch in in order to keep the world healthy.

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