Employ What You Are Given Smartly

In this week’s podcast, there was one piece of advice that truly enlightened me. For example, Mary Opperman spoke of how she got a piece of advice when she was younger that was “you don’t need to be an expert to be the best in your field. You need to recognize that you are not an expert in order to succeed.” This advice truly hit me hard, especially studying at Cornell. In this university, you are learning amongst the best of the best students, and doing the best is virtually impossible. However, if you recognize that you won’t be the best in your field but instead use your unique attribute together, you will truly succeed in life. Recently, I’ve been indistinctively doing this but hearing it in words was impactful and gave me hope that I can succeed in life if I try my best and employ my unique characteristics.

3 thoughts on “Employ What You Are Given Smartly

  1. Mary Opperman’s quote also resonated with me. Cornell can feel very competitive at times, so it is natural to feel like I am not doing enough. However, it is reassuring to hear that I don’t have to necessarily do more than others to succeed, but rather success will come from doing the best that I can. Thanks for sharing this quote!

  2. Thank you for sharing the quote. I have often find myself trying to do the best of myself, but I recognize that everyone’s path is different. So doing your best is the best determinants of success despite what other thinks.

  3. I also find the quote that you shared inspiring. I never thought of it that way before, but it is very true that we all need to keep learning in order to become an expert. I like this mindset, and I think it applies to many different things in life. Thank you for sharing!