Relationships in The Queen’s Gambit

The fifth installment of The Queen’s Gambit continues to be enticing. Adding on Beth’s character development, this episode focuses on Beth developing her chess career now in the absence of her mother, who although not being an ideal figure for support, was there for Beth nonetheless. In this episode, I enjoyed watching Beth embark on new friendships with Harry and Benny. It was interesting to see how she transitioned from being very reserved at the beginning of each friendship to opening up down the line. This relationship dynamic is the opposite of her and the janitor at the orphanage which I find interesting; it seems as if she could have learned from his stoic nature not to be that sort of person. I was disappointed to see Harry leave because I thought that the two made a good team, but I understand that Beth had exceeded his chess capabilities to a point where it no longer was lucrative for him to be involved in her training and would perhaps poise as a hindrance if he stayed around. I am interested to see how Beth and Benny work together in New York in future episodes.

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