Diversity and the Arts

Today I attended the Diversity and the Arts session with Hassan Mahamdallie which touched on several informational and interesting facts. He stated that having diversity in the performing arts is crucial for it to have a prosperous future, especially because of all the talent that is around us. He also made us aware of the standpoint theory, which before this session I did not know the full context of. This topic of diversity in the arts is fascinating because we are constantly consuming entertainment which continues to evolve throughout hundreds of years of work. We can see that more recently the artists are much more diverse than in previous centuries, which allows many different perspectives to be shown. Overall, this Explore! series session was great and I look forward to watching more in the future.

One thought on “Diversity and the Arts

  1. I also agree that it was really interesting to hear about the standpoint theory! That’s a really fascinating concept that is a useful way to look at society. Also, I agree that diversity in the arts is a topic we really need to discuss and work on improving, so it is good to hear that conversations like this are happening.