Lettering with Flair

This Sunday, I attended Part 2 of the Calligraphy Workshop. It is safe to say I am slowly but surely improving on my calligraphy one letter at a time. A general consensus from other attendees was that the upward strokes was difficult, and I wholeheartedly agree. As I was practicing, I ran into trouble with the amount of pressure I would put into each stroke. Transitioning from a thick downward stroke to a thin upward stroke was particularly hard because of the varying pressure I had to put in order for there to be a noticeable difference. For me personally, this added an extra stress on me since I did not want my calligraphy to portray any marks that may show any hesitation.

Moving forward as I embark on my calligraphy journey, one key lesson that I was presented with and will always remember is to add my own personality into it. By this, it can go deeper than the way one may write their calligraphy; it can also be with the emphasis I put on different letters. I may try to make my calligraphy my own by drifting away from cursive calligraphy and trying another font.

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