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We’ve talked a lot about social networks and oftentimes there is difference in power of people involved. One positive side is that the person in position of strong power can better negotiate towards deals. Such an imbalance in power can also lead to some bad things, for example, bullying. The attack comes from the strong towards the weak, as a result of unequal power. Many would think of bullying as “childish” act and suggest that the victim can simply withdraw from the awful environment. However, with Internet, Maria Konnikova points out that bullying dynamic has now become harder to contain and hard to ignore.

As one of the first researchers in the United States to study this issue, Susan Swearer noticed environmental distinction between urban and rural bullying. According to her, anonymity is possible in urban environment while it is impossible to get away in rural settings. Specifically, in urban environment, the victim can change their school or workplace easily. In other words, she might be able to move from one large component to another component. But in rural areas, it is more difficult because the circle is much smaller as if everyone knows everyone. The Internet has made the world more rural. For instance, if someone is harassed on her Facebook page, all of her friends will know. She could be offended by comments, or by being the subject of jokes. It seems that “cyberbullying” is just inescapable. With the Internet, attack can be quick and sometimes overwhelming.

What’s more, Susan Swearer reveals the fact that, ironically, many bullies hold a moral justification. That is, they regard themselves as righteous teachers to teach the weak and correct their mistakes. Some do not even realize that they have become bullies. It might make them feel guilty if they are involved in face-to-face bullying. But, the Internet has made the consequences of words and actions hard to see. Bullies can hide behind the screens and the victims can not escape as long as they are exposed to the Internet. Therefore, do a bit more thinking before any word or any action takes place.




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October 2015
