Sophia Su

Tomato scrambled with egg

Hi everyone! My name is Sophia, and I am from Green Brook, New Jersey. I am a junior Sociology major, and I’m particularly interested in population dynamics. I love everything dairy even though I’m lactose intolerant, which puts me in a rather frustrating predicament. I’m an only child, I have a pet dog, and I also recently adopted a stray kitten I found in my backyard. As for the dish I mentioned reminds me of home, my father always makes this dish when I come home because it was one of my favorites as a child, and I still enjoy it, but I think nowadays he uses me as an excuse to make it for himself (my mother is not a fan, so he never gets a chance to make it when I’m not home).

3 thoughts on “Sophia Su

  1. Hi Sophia! It was great learning about you. Tomato and scrambled egg is such a good choice, so simple yet comforting… I’m also lactose intolerant and completely relate to the struggle of dairy being so delicious yet so unfortunate to our stomachs. Do you have a favorite ice cream or ice cream chain?

    1. Hi Maddie! It’s nice to meet you. I honestly don’t have a go-to ice cream brand, but I really like the Cornell Dairy Ezra’s Morning Cup flavor, and lately I’ve been meaning to try out lactose-free ice cream options such as Lactaid or milk substitute like avocado or coconut milk.

  2. Hi Sophia,

    This was also the dish I chose! Mostly because it’s one of those supposedly simple things that for some reason I can never make taste as good as when my mom makes it. So it’s one of the many food-requests I make of her when I’m home. And every so often will call her while making it to ask her to walk me through it, yet again, just in case this one time I’ll have finally figured out the secret. Ha – funny how your father doesn’t get to make it at home. It’s true how much the people we live with impact what we cook. I’m now glaring at my partner across the room who is the reason I haven’t cooked seafood in years…

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