

Hi! I’m Janie I’m a senior, majoring in CS and FGSS. I’m from New Jersey and in my free time I like to do game design and make music! I was drawn to this course for two reasons: first because I’m interested in futurisms. I took a course on Afro-Futurist Sci-fi and absolutely loved it and want a chance to explore more understandings of what futurism means. Second is because I’m eager to learn more about cultural studies and critical race theory. In my recent FGSS courses I’ve been deep in complicated gender theory stuff – I’m excited to take a course that is focused on culture and lived experience. I look forward to getting to know you all!


My name is Alice and I’m studying poetry here. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the intersection between whiteness in the States and a Chinese American, immigrant identity, but have thought little about Afro-Asian entwinements. And so, I’m so very excited to be here. I consider myself too obsessed with food, but it’s also clear to me how much of my identity is expressed by my food obsessions.


Spanish Rice

Hi, my name is Elia! I’m a senior studying English and American Studies with an intended minor in FGSS. I’m from Los Angeles. The food that reminds me of home is Spanish rice, mostly because it accompanies almost all the meals my mom makes at home, and it’s one of the few cultural meals I’ve been able to make hereĀ  successfully. Cooking and meals has always been something that’s been super important to my family life and cultural life, but being at college has really shown me that cooking is an art-style I have yet to perfect šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.Ā  Since I’ve opted out of the meal plan these past two years, I hope to improve on my cooking whilst discussing it in class! In terms of why I joined this course, I’ve been interested in researching the interactions and cross-overs between Latine and Asian communities, especially in pockets of big metropolitan areas both inside and outside of the United States, but have rarely seen courses at Cornell that deal with cultural crossovers that aren’t US-centric and focused on white Americans interactions with other cultures. I hope that this course is able to touch upon Afro-Latines’ interaction with Asian culture, if if just a little bit! I’m also interested in researching more into the impact that Black culture has with Asian communities, and how far this intermixture of cultures extends. I think especially in popular culture one is able to see the mix between Asian and Black cultures a lot, and I’m excited to learn more!