Sophia Lee


Hello, my name is Sophia Lee. I’m a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences, majoring in Linguistics. I wanted to take this class because I’m interested in learning about Afro-Asian relations, and being mixed (Korean-Italian), I wanted to explore the narrative of multiraciality/multiculturalness as it pertains to non-whiteness. A lot of the time, discussions surrounding interraciality focus on interactions between white people and POCs, but I wanted to explore a different perspective.

2 thoughts on “Sophia Lee

    1. Hey Maddie!

      Oh man, thanks for the article! I read a little bit of it and I very heavily relate to the quintessential road-trip cooler with a bunch of Korean food in it lol.

      You should take a linguistics class! They’re really interesting, especially if you’re coming at it with no prior knowledge. You don’t have to be fluent in any language (besides English) to take the classes because you’re studying the innate structures of languages, how sounds can be broken down, etc. I’m not studying any language in particular because I’m more interested in how language influences socioeconomic class, but if I were better at Korean I would do a concentration in it haha.

      What’s your major, or are you still undeclared?

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