CPR Training

I am finally CPR certified! This is something I have been meaning to learn about for a while now. Before taking this class, I was a bit intimidated by the idea of learning how to save a person’s life. It still intimidates me after being certified, but now I feel more prepared if I were to face a situation where my newly learned skills would make a difference.

In this CPR class, we learned the steps one must take to correctly perform CPR. First, we learned that if a person is unconscious always call 911 FIRST. Then, check if the person is breathing, if not, you should start with compressions on the sternum. I learned that CPR should be done with 2 breaths for every 30 compressions. Practicing on the mannequin many times, seeing the chest rise as I breathed into the mannequin’s mouth, seeing the chest rise up and down as I did my compressions, certainly helped me to gain more confidence. I believe that this class was invaluable in that it taught me an extremely important skill that may be used on day. Especially as someone aspiring to work in the healthcare field, CPR is necessary and I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn and become certified myself.

One thought on “CPR Training

  1. It’s great that you are now CPR certified! I definitely believe CPR Training should be required in schools or work settings. You mentioned that you must do compressions on the sternum. Do you know if in real life this breaks someone’s ribs? I’ve heard that in order to do CPR you must press hard enough to break their ribs, but I’m not sure if that’s a rumor or not…