My perspective of War on Terror

For this week’s table talk, on the date of September 11th, we discussed the war on terror. We ranged from topics of what we personally remembered from the actual incident. I personally, do not recall what happened that day seeing as I was four years old. However, after years later of learning about it in classrooms and doing research about it on my own, I understand that this incident changed the United States of America forever. Secondly, we discussed the definition of the war on terror. I defined it as an ambiguous term, who’s origin was President George W. Bush. He declared this in his speech post 9/11, when Al-Qaeda took responsibility for the incident.

While this declaration increased his presidential popularity, it also gave vulnerable Americans a new, but at times misguided sense of patriotism. I also talked about the aftermath, which was some Americans used this patriotism to put prejudice upon people from the middle east. This is still prevalent in the present.

I also learned from others that, we’ve made ourselves allies with countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan because it is better to have as allies rather than enemies. In Saudi Arabia, they have strict human right violations which impede on people’s freedom.

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