
This week I went to a Rose Cafe where we got to talk with Judge Miller. It was really interesting to hear stories about his career as a defense attorney, and now, a judge. One thing that he said that really stood out to me was that he noticed that very few people that he met were all good or all bad–most people were shades of grey. I think that that is very true. Most people’s first reaction when they hear about something good (or bad) that somebody did is to classify that person just based on that one action. Now while is a good idea for truly horrendous actions, I think that we should refrain from making judgements about people just based on one mistake that they made. I took a social psych class last semester, and we learned that the reason that we stereotype or make judgments about people based on limited information is because it’s easier for the brain to predict future behavior based on these judgements. But a lot of the time these stereotypes or judgments turn out to be wrong. That’s why I believe that we should look at the whole picture before forming an opinion about the average person.

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