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How to fix divided America


The American divide is no secret to anyone living in the world, really. Just two weeks ago, events that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia showcased just how divided the United States truly is. On one side were the white supremacists, supporting the building of a wall on the United States’ southern border and deporting immigrants who had come to the United States in search of freedom and a better life. On the other side were individuals who came to support the foundations for which the United States was built upon: freedom for individuals regardless of skin color. While I could go on and on describing the problems in present-day divided America, I would prefer to look at potential solutions.


The divide in America is not healthy for the country. As best put by Abraham Lincoln, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. As currently stands, America is split not only politically, where we have extensive filibusters and cannot reform bills such as the Affordable Care Act or the tax system, but also culturally, where parents are not willing to let their children date across the racial divide, let alone live next to someone of different ethnicity. However, we have to realize that no side is going anywhere. The article as such takes a look at game theory, more specifically the Prisoner’s Dilemma to tackle the problem.



In the Prisoner’s Dilemma, each prisoner’s outcome is dependent on the choice that the other makes. Initially the prisoner’s opt to remain silent. However, when given an option to confess and out your partner, the situation gets interesting. The current state of the United States involves both sides “confessing”, unwilling to “remain silent” and let the other side get what they want. The article discusses a curious happenstance, however, when the scenario is run over infinite simulations. When the prisoner’s realize that their back is up against the wall and they have nowhere to go, they start cooperating rather than fighting. Both sides eventually realize that they are connected and dependent on one another, and go for the best mutual solution in the end.


The United States is locked in a Prisoner’s Dilemma. Both sides are currently unwilling to cooperate with each other, which has resulted in a gridlock. Racial groups and Political groups aren’t going anywhere, that much is evident to society. “There is no escape, so the only rational strategy is to learn how to get along,” otherwise America will be a country divided for many centuries to come.


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