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American Diplomacy and Game Theory

Ever since the turn of the twentieth century, America has extended it reach beyond its borders through participating in economic , diplomatic and military affairs on a global scale. Over time, America has expanded its role to not only being a participant, but in many regards a policeman that works to arbitrate and diffuse issues not […]

Applying Game Theory to the Greek Debt Crisis

The Greek debt crisis is not only a substantial exemplification of socioeconomic and political factors causing a painful accumulation of debt and necessary financial bailout, but also of real world applications for game theory. The Greek debt crisis itself brought upon many questions and proposed courses of actions such as leaving the Eurozone, to regain […]

Game Theory and the Greek Economic Crisis

It’s interesting to consider Eurozone economic principle as the context for a game being played by two forces. And this is exactly what the BBC article, “Can Game Theory Explain the Greek Debt Crisis?” attempts to showcase.  Recall the Greek Economic Crisis of 2009 (which is still on-going today), Greece is unable to pay their […]

Cruz and Kasich: The Candidate’s Dilemma

The 2016 presidential election has consumed the nation’s attention. Daily headlines regarding polls and candidates fill the media. Earlier this year, Ted Cruz and John Kasich were both vying for the Republican candidacy. Originally competitors, both aimed to dethrone Donald Trump, who was leading in the polls. Both Cruz and Kasich campaigned as the “anti-Trump […]

New Auctioning Model with Cars and Online Shopping

Article:   Car auctions have been going on for years, usually in a descending-bid auction based on the context of Forbes’ article. People have learned to work the system to get what they want while ‘newbies’ are left behind for not knowing the simplest of information such as the “handshake deal” that can occur […]

Airlines: (Route) Networks supported by (Computer) networks

Physically speaking, airlines are large networks whose graphs consist of the airports which they service (i.e. nodes) and the routes that they fly (i.e. edges). There are a few basic models for the physical airline networks. First is the hub-and-spoke model, in which airlines concentrate their operations in a few airports, providing feeder service to […]

Hunger Games through Game Theory

The story is about a society which is made of a central capital, the Capitol, and 12 districts that come under its ruling. About three-quarters of a century ago, the districts kindled a rebellion against the authorities that the Capitol had to put down. Hunger Games are played, annually, as a reminder of what happens […]

Is climate change a prisoner’s dilemma? The linked article is a very interesting take on climate change. It is a part of a continuous series of articles trying to model climate change and the decisions made by important participants in climate change using game theory. For instance, it models the United States and China as two important players in climate […]

A Terrorist’s Strategy

The article Hawks, doves, and birds of paradise explores the dichotomy between expected and actual human behavior, specifically, as relating to perpetrators of terrorism. Leading with a reference to the confrontational capacities embedded in humans and animals, author R. H. Sprinkle discusses the qualities characterizing a human who is faced with a decision: he is […]

How Can Game Theory Help Your PPC Marketing?

Game Theory, as we’ve seen in class, has many applications. In fact, 1-800 Contacts recently applied it to their Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. The reason for the theory is that competing companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising only to steal each other’s customers. What good does all that advertising money do if […]

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Blogging Calendar

September 2016
