Design Thinking: How to understand your client with game theory
Often taught in mathematics and science based classes exclusively, game theory is often thought of in the limited scope of logic problems and puzzles. However, the purpose of game theory to determine outcomes heavily applies to design thinking. London based Architectural firm Mzo Tarr uses game theory in every step of their design process. Without […]
Game Theory: Russia and OPEC This article does an interesting comparison between Russia and OPEC. Both of these parties have recently had several talks with the goal of slowing oil production in order to drive up oil prices. The article equates the situation to a prisoner’s dilemma game theory model. This model is shown below. In this model “cheat” […]
What Game Theory Tells Us About Donald Trump This Rolling Stone article from May investigates the game theory behind Donald Trump’s rise in the Republican primary and what to expect in his battle against Hillary Clinton. Trump’s rise can be attributed to his (politically) unconventional way of dealing with people who comment on him. Those who praise him get even higher […]
Julian Assange, Structural Balance, and Journalistic Bias
In the New York Times article “How Russia Often Benefits When Julian Assange Reveals the West’s Secrets”, the authors conclude that while Julian Assange, the founder, director, and editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, is not known to collude with Russian officials, the majority of documents released by WikiLeaks, and statements made by Assange, have benefitted Russia, at […]
Apple Takeover, Again
Apple has already conquered the technological world, and now it is planning on taking over the world of Snapchat, making it almost inconsequential. According to a recent article in the Washington Post, Apple is in the early developmental stages of creating a feature that does everything that Snapchat can do except more. Apple hopes to […]
Dangers of Racist Algorithms
This piece discusses a treacherous, yet incredibly common, way of finding workers that is racist by nature. Basically, data is collected and analyzed by company software when hiring, and this influences who gets entertained as a possibility for hire. These factors, however, include zip code, and credit score. The idea is that zip codes are […]
Prisoner’s Dilemma: the British Game Show Throughout our discussions on game theory, we’ve referred largely to situations in which decisions are private and individual—there is no communication and each party must utilize logic to determine how their opponent will act and, in turn, determine their own course of action. Of course, this isn’t entirely representative of the decisions we make […]
Analysis methods on social network with directed and signed edges
The Slashdot Zoo: Mining a Social Network with Negative Edges In Chapter 5 of the course textbook,’s friends and foes system is used as an example of online social networks with positive and negative edges without much detailed description. As a supplement to the textbook’s content, I read the above article on the system […]
The Wood Wide Web In the link above, Scientists are baffled when they come across the stump of the tree that had clearly been cut down. Instead of the flat surface you’d expect to see, “It’s sort of scabbed over completely with thick bark.” Dead trees cannot grow bark, so there is no way for the tree that’s […]
Politics in Social Networks With a polarizing election season in full swing, a potentially poisonous dynamic has once again been introduced to friendships: politics. The days of political opinions being a purely private topic have long since past. With many individuals holding the ability to reach hundreds if not thousands of other people via platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, unsurprisingly some […]
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