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Is The Donald a Game Theorist?  Criticizing Donald Trump and his campaign is almost a mainstay of our contemporary news cycle and social interactions. Pundits have highlighted his lack of a distinct or coherent policy stance on a number of key issues. However, is this just an intricate negotiation tactic? Donald Trump has written books and given speeches that tout […]

Machine learning and graph technology   The article I found talks about machine learning and networks.  The article talks not about the theory behind networks but about the technology and applications of networks and graphs.  With the explosion of Big Data, networks can be used to help analyze the huge amount of information.  The article begins by talking about […]

Wal-mart At It’s (Amazon) Prime

Networks can be seen in our every day lives. Whether it be thinking about our friends on Facebook or thinking about nodes and edges in a computer science point of view. However let’s consider the Triadic Balance on companies, more specifically, Amazon and Wal-mart. The battle between Wal-mart and Amazon has gone for years now. […]

The Game of Ukraine   The crisis in Ukraine last year marked a period of tense diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States. The invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014 built up to a new proxy war within a year between the two superpowers, with Ukraine as its unfortunate battleground. The conflict never evolved into all-out […]

Game Theory in a Wireless World

Link: Possibly the most talked-about news story in the past 24 hours has been the launch of Apple’s iPhone 7. For the most part, the new phone’s updates seem to be fairly predictable, but by far the most notable and controversial change from previous models—and from electronic devices in general— has been the removal […]

Presidential Nodes

In class this semester, we have been learning about various aspects of nodes in a network, and one characteristic that nodes possess is how embedded they are within their specific network.  Nodes have positive and negative relations with each other; however if a node is more deeply embedded in the network, it is more aggressively […]

RIP Headphone Jack When the first iPhone came out, users were drawn to the product as it promoted usability, versatility, and diversity. The touch screen feature, void of a keypad put other leading companies in the market eager to match the sales of Apple. Since this technological advancement, some may argue Apple has since been the lead producer in […]

A Network of Diplomatic Relations in the Middle East This article, published last October, seeks to inform readers on the state of Middle Eastern politics by explaining the relationships between the various countries and alliances of the region, as well as other countries around the world. To each pair of nations, it assigns one of three ratings: “Friends,” “Enemies,” or “It’s Complicated.” The […]

The Prisoners’ Dilemma in Oil Production Recently, OPEC and Russia were having talks in an effort to raise oil prices. Production freezes have been mentioned on multiple occasions in the past but always fail to happen.  Each time the countries try to find common ground and strategize how to stabilize oil prices, the same result occurs: more oil production and lower […]

Game Theory and its Real World Applications

Link to the article referenced in this blog post: This article is a part of a continuing column published by “The Economist” that seeks to explain academic topics in a relatable way and connect them to major developments in the world today. The article highlights the Prisoner’s Dilemma by explaining each prisoner’s options. If both […]

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September 2016
