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The Weakening of Social Ties

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? This video discusses the problems that arise from everybody having smartphones and using social websites nowadays. Even though current technology advertises that it makes you even more connected with your friends, this video argues that it does just the opposite. Since people have everything at the touch of their fingers, the […]

Responsible Parenting Techniques Through Employment of Game Theory

Game theory has typically been taught in regards to situations in which a clear game with a payoff matrix has been established. Oftentimes because of this, the applicability of game theory has been disregarded in everyday situations for which game theory has often been deemed an “unnecessary” skill. This generalization is far from true however, […]

Facebook: Filtering Our News Feeds

Source:   This article goes into detail on the topic of Facebook’s filtering of its user’s news feeds, similar to the guest lecture we had a few weeks ago.  The most significant idea from this is that Facebook gets to decide what its users will see, instead of the users deciding on their own.  […]

Greek debt crisis and Game theory

In June, Greek government hope to publish a new plan that involves new taxes on the wealthy and changes to pensions-avoiding spending cuts and having some of it’s exchange. BBC news posted an article on June 26 discuss that whether other Eurozone should accept that this plan. Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek Finance minister, denied the […]

Supermodels and “The Science of Success”

In today’s social media saturated world, a supermodel’s power and fame is not derived from how many shows she walked like it was 15 years ago. The modeling industry is evolving alongside social media. Traditionally, models worked directly with agencies and had little to no connections with consumers, but in today’s tech-savvy world the online […]

Console Wars is an Example of Game Theory

I consider myself an avid gamer; I constantly follow anything gaming related such  as gaming news, when video games come out, how those games do review wise, player population of certain games, etc. From mobile gaming on our smartphone devices to living room consoles such as the Playstation 4 (PS4) and Xbox One and even […]

The Presence of Game Theory in Marriage

Game theory describes the strategic decision making utilized when dealing with situations where the outcome of one’s choice of action depends on the choice of action of the other participant(s). While it might be odd to think that game theory applies to maintaining a successful marriage, Paula Szuchman argues in “Marriage and the Art of […]

Our Sense of Morality through Game Theory

Where did morality come from and why don’t we just all constantly backstab each other? I’m sure this question isn’t asked everyday, but it is common knowledge that morality is an important part of human society. Consequently, morality has been widely explored and discussed in the past as philosophers have debated the necessity of morality for centuries. This article goes […]

Game Theory and the Fed Interest Rate Hike

Earlier today, the United States Federal Reserve made a major decision to not increase interest rates throughout the country, keeping them at a historically low rate since the economic downturn of 2009. Bob Pisani, of CNBC, writes about what essentially is a game behind the Fed’s decision of whether they will hike interest rates in […]

Modern medicine and the prisoner’s dilemma

The practice of medicine has been changing rapidly in the last few decades, and there have been strong criticisms of the system from all angles. Doctors often cite the lack of autonomy as a source of dissatisfaction, while the public criticizes the rising costs and unnecessary laboratory tests, frequently accusing physicians of monetary greed or […]

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September 2015
