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E-commerce to take on Grocery Market:

The shopping cart will soon be a thing of the past.  Amazon and its newly formed rival Instacart are in the trial stages of providing online ordering of common supermarket products. AmazonFresh has begun providing groceries to the New York, Los Angeles, and Seattle areas.  Their competitor Instacart, launched in 2012, is now in 16 […]

Triadic Closure in FIFA Ultimate Team

Electronic Arts releases FIFA, the best soccer (or football) simulation every year around this time in mid to late September. In FIFA, you usually would just be able to play against others online or against the computer using club or national teams that already exist. A new game mode was launched in FIFA 10 called Ultimate Team, […]

The Commuting Network

This past July, Google-affiliate Waze, a popular crowd-based navigation system acquired by Google for $1 billion in 2013, announced a new function of the app used for carpooling. The new function will be run through a new app, RideWith, which will be integrated with Waze for a seamless transition between the apps. The carpooling app […]

Local and Global Properties in Conway’s Game of Life

Conway’s Game of Life is a cellular automata “game” played on an infinite grid of cells. Every cell on the grid is either alive or dead, and over time, the status of each cell changes based on a set of rules. The rules are defined as follows: Any live cell with fewer than two live […]

How hard is it to classify edges as strong or weak?

A question that might naturally arise when studying strong and weak ties is: if I have a completely unlabeled graph G = (V, E), how do I label its edges as strong or weak? There is a number of ways of doing this. It can be easy to accomplish. Trivially we could randomly label each […]

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Blogging Calendar

September 2015
