Biopesticides include microorganisms, plant extracts, and other naturally-derived compounds that control pests.
Biopesticides are one aspect of biological control. The active ingredients in biopesticides include microorganisms (microbes), plant extracts, and naturally-occurring chemicals (like potassium bicarbonate). As a result, some of the ways they control pests (their modes of action or MOAs) are different from conventional, synthetic chemical pesticides. Also, many of them have several MOAs, and not all MOAs apply to all pests listed on the label. If a biopesticide contains live microbes, and especially if its MOA requires the microbes to stay alive on the plant for some period of time after application, this also has important implications for how the product is stored and applied. Understanding the mode of action of a product will help you get the most out of it.
I like to break down biopesticide MOAs into the following categories:
Eat – Some biopesticides contain living spores of a fungus (blue). These spores need to land on the insect pest or plant pathogen (yellow rectangle). Then they germinate (like a seed), invade and grow, eventually killing the pest. If the humidity is high enough, the fungus may even produce more spores and spread to other pests.
Eat– live microbe grows on/in pest
Biopesticides with this MOA can work against insect pests (e.g., products that contain Beauveria bassiana) or plant diseases (e.g. Contans, which contains Paraconionthyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08). Many biopesticides with this MOA contain fungal spores. These spores will germinate once they land on the insect or disease-causing pathogen, and may have temperature and/or humidity requirements for germination. Make sure you store the product correctly, confirm compatibility with other products before tank mixing or applying, and apply under recommended environmental conditions.
Poison – Some biopesticides (blue diamonds or blue smiling rectangles with droplets) work much like conventional chemical pesticides. They directly kill or otherwise inhibit the insect pests (like this caterpillar) or plant pathogens (yellow rectangles with frightened faces) when they contact it or are eaten by it.
Poison – biopesticide (or its products) kills the pest directly
Biopesticides with this MOA can work against insect pests (like products containing Bacillus thuringiensis) or plant diseases (e.g., Double Nickel containing Bacillus amyloliquefacies strain D747, or products containing potassium bicarbonate). Obviously, potassium bicarbonate products do not contain live microbes. Some biopesticides that poison pests do have live microbes that continue to produce antimicrobial products after they are applied. Others work because of the compounds the microbes produced while the biopesticide was being made.
Keep out – Some biopesticides contain microbes (blue smiling rectangles) that grow on the plant. These beneficial microbes use up space and nutrients so there is no room for the pathogen (angry yellow rectangles.
Keep out – live microbe grows on plant, leaving no room for pests
Biopesticides with this MOA can work against plant disease (e.g., Actinovate which contains Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108, or Serifel, which contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600) and may be bacteria or fungi. The microbes in biopesticides with this MOA must be alive when applied and need to be able to grow on the part of the plant that is being protected.
Turn on resistance – Some biopesticides contain microbes (blue smiling rectangles) or other natural compounds that activate the plants defense system, so that it’s ready when it encounters a pathogen.
Turn on resistance – turns on the plant’s defenses before pest attacks
As far as I know, these biopesticides only work against plant diseases, but as new products are developed, or as we learn more about existing biopesticides, this may change. Some examples include Regalia (giant knotweed extract) and Lifeguard WG (Bacillus mycoides isolate J). Some of these products contain live microbes that need to stay alive (like LifeGard), while others do not. These biopesticides need to be applied before infection.
Grow strong plants – Some biopesticides contain microbes (blue smiling rectangles) or other natural compounds that enable the plant to grow stronger and healthier. As a result, the plant can better withstand attack from a pest.
Grow strong plants – makes plant stronger, healthier, more resilient
These biopesticides primarily work against plant diseases. Some examples include: Serenade (Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713), RootShield (Trichoderma harzianum), and Sil-Matrix (potassium silicate). Some of these products contain live microbes that need to stay alive, while others do not (e.g., Sil-Matrix). These biopesticides need to be applied before infection.
Repel – Some bioinsecticides (blue diamonds and blue rectangles with smiling faces) protect plants because they repel insect and mite pests.
Repel – pest avoids plants treated with biopesticide
Biopesticides with this MOA can work against insect pests, but perhaps only on certain insect life stages. Some products with this MOA could contain live microbes, while others do not. You can evaluate the effectiveness of products with this MOA, not by scouting for dead insects, but by looking for reduced damage or lower insect populations on treated plants. Examples include: Grandevo WDG (Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1 and its spent fermentation products) and products containing azadirachtin.
Stop feeding – Some bioinsecticides (diamonds and rectangles on the leaf) cause insect and mite pests to lose their appetites.
Stop feeding – stops pest from feeding; pest eventually starves
Biopesticides with this MOA can work against insect pests either by contact or ingestion and may only be effective against insects of certain ages or life stages. It depends on the biopesticide and pest. Examples include insect-killing viruses and some types of Bacillus thuringiensis products. Some products with this MOA could contain live microbes, while others do not. Live pests will still be present for some time after applying a product that works in this way, since the pests die of starvation. Watch for feeding damage to stop or a reduction in insect numbers over time to know if the product is working.
Stop growth – Some bioinsecticides (blue diamonds in this diagram) don’t kill insects and mites outright, but they can prevent them from molting and growing into the next life stage. Pests that can’t move on to the next life stage will eventually die.
Stop growth – stops pest from growing or molting; pest eventually dies
Biopesticides with this MOA may work against insect pests either by contact or ingestion and may only be effective against pests of certain ages or life stage. It depends on the biopesticide and pest. Examples include Venerate (Burkholderia spp. strain A396) and some products containing azadirachtin. Some products with this MOA could contain live microbes, while others do not. Products with this MOA will not kill pests immediately, but will prevent them from growing or molting. Watch for insect populations to decline over time, but do not expect pests to die immediately.
Stop reproduction – Pheromones (represented here by blue diamonds) are a type of bioinsecticide that confuses insects looking for a mate. As a result, males and females can’t find each other, don’t mate, and females don’t lay eggs.
Stop reproduction – hampers pests’ ability to find a mate or produce eggs
The two main groups of biopesticides I know of with this MOA are (1) pheromones that make it hard for male and female insects to find each other, or (2) products that reduce the number of eggs female insects lay. Grandevo (Chromobacterium subtsugae strain PRAA4-1 and spent fermentation products) is an example of the later, but may not work in this way against all ages and species of pests listed on the label. The products I know of with this MOA do not contain live microbes. This mode of action will reduce insect populations in subsequent generations, not the current one. So use it on a pest with multiple generations per season, or in combination with other MOAs.
Things to keep in mind:
If the biopesticide contains live microbes, make sure you…
store the biopesticide correctly (and for the correct amount of time); check the label.
confirm compatibility of the biopesticide with other products before tank mixing or applying; read the label and contact the manufacturer with questions.
In addition, if the biopesticide contains microbes that need to stay alive for some period of time after application in order to be effective, make sure you also…
pay special attention to the recommended optimal environmental conditions for application; start by reading the label.
Biopesticides are pesticides. Their labels are the law. Read the labels and follow them, along with other pesticide application laws in your state.
Not all biopesticides are permitted for use in certified organic production. Check with your certifier if you have questions.
Questions to ask when you are considering/purchasing a biopesticide
The manufacturer or dealer should be able to tell you:
How does it work (MOA)?
Is it alive? Does it need to stay alive to work?
Special instructions for storage or use? (e.g., temperature, spray tank pH, time of day)
Is it compatible (in the tank, greenhouse, or field) with other products in use (e.g., pesticides, fertilizers)?
Additional biopesticide Resources
Summary of modes of action for biopesticide active ingredients
Some bioinsecticides cause insect and mite pests to lose their appetites. Depending on the bioinsecticide, it either needs to contact the pest or be eaten by it.
Biological pesticides (biopesticides) are pesticides with active ingredients that are considered natural. According to the EPA they “include naturally occurring substances…microorganisms that control pests…and pesticidal substances produced by plants containing added genetic material.” This last category is more often recognized as certain (but not all) genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The “naturally occurring substances” (plant extracts, some natural chemicals) and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) are the focus of today’s post. There’s a deeper dive into how biopesticides work in another blog post.
Biopesticides can be an important tool for integrated pest management because some of them may pose less risk to people or the environment than some conventional chemical pesticides. (But always read and follow the label on biopesticides to ensure you are minimizing risks!)
If you are considering using a biopesticide as part of your IPM program, you will of course want to know whether or not it is effective against a particular pest on a particular crop. A few years ago I wrote a post about efficacy of biocontrol. With some great help, I’ve been collecting summaries of efficacy trials on biopesticides conducted by universities. These summaries are available as downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for the following crops:
Microbes used to control pests are biopesticides. In this conceptual diagram, the happy blue microbes are producing antimicrobial compounds that are killing the plant pathogens (represented by yellow rectangles with shocked faces).
Once you download a spreadsheet, take a look at the ‘Notes’ sheet for some important background information, then look at the data on either the ‘Diseases’ or the ‘Arthropods’ (insects and mites) sheet. You can sort the data on either sheet by crop, pest name, name of the product, active ingredient, or other column headings. I’ve included both a simple rating of efficacy (-, +/-, +, ++), and a numerical summary that shows how much each product improved control compared to doing nothing to control the pest.
The spreadsheets do indicate whether each product was registered in New York State at the time the sheet was last reviewed. Remember that you must confirm that the product you want to use is currently registered in New York, and that the label includes your setting, crop, and pest. You can check for current registration and download NYS pesticide labels from NYSPAD.
If you are not able to open an Excel spreadsheet, please let me know and I’m happy to get you the info in a format that works for you.
This work is supported by NYS Departments of Environmental Conservation and Agriculture and Markets, as well as the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program, award number 2021-70006-35672.
Lacewings (especially larvae; this one is an adult) are great natural enemies of pests. You want to keep them happy and healthy!
Natural enemies of pests are going to help you out with pest control, so when you are applying pesticides, it’s in your best interest to choose products that will have the least impact on them. Two quick points before we get into details for where to find this information:
Remember that the information in this post is not a substitute for a pesticide label. The label is the law, and you must read and follow the label of any pesticide you are using. Laws and labels change. It is your responsibility to use pesticides legally. Trade names used here are for convenience only; no endorsement of products is intended, nor is criticism of unnamed products implied. For questions about pesticide use, regulations, and safety, contact the Cornell Pesticide Management Education Program:
A great way to protect natural enemies is by following the steps for IPM. Preventing pests (e.g., through cultural strategies and exclusion), scouting to detect pests early when populations are low, and proper identification of pests will help you reduce your need to use pesticides and can save you money. Win win!
Ok, let’s assume you’re doing good IPM and you’ve gotten to the point where you need to choose a pesticide. How do you make the best choice for protecting natural enemies? Here are a few options. (Note that I did post about this about 2 years ago. I’ve learned more, so I thought an update would be in order.)
Read the label
This should go without saying. You should be doing this anyway when you are considering using a pesticide. The label may contain information about the compatibility of a pesticide with either natural enemies or pollinators. And of course it will contain important information about how to minimize risks to yourself and the environment when you use it.
EIQ stands for Environmental Impact Quotient. You can read more details on the NYSIPM website, but in a nutshell the EIQ puts a number on the risks of pesticides at the rates they are applied in the field. You can use the EIQ calculator on our website to compare these numbers for different pesticides. The higher the number, the higher the risk. There are different components to the EIQ; risks to consumers, workers, and the environment (ecological). The ecological risk will include risks to natural enemies (as well as fish, birds, and bees).
Pocket IPM Greenhouse Scout App
A screenshot from the home screen of the Pocket IPM Greenhouse Scout App. You can find information about compatibility with natural enemies under either “Beneficials” or “Pesticide Interactions”.
Temporary update: As of January 2024, this app is in the process of being updated and is not currently available. Hopefully a new and improved version will be available again soon!
Especially if you are growing in a greenhouse and releasing a lot of natural enemies, you may find this app helpful. In addition to providing information about compatibility of pesticides with arthropod natural enemies you may be releasing, you can also use it to help you keep records of scouting and product applications.
Cornell Guidelines
If you are a commercial producer, hopefully you are already utilizing the Cornell Guidelines, as they are a wealth of information on many subjects. At least some of them also include information on the toxicity of different pesticides to natural enemies. For example, if you have the grape guidelines, check out Table 4.2.2 for insecticide toxicity to natural enemies.
Websites and apps from companies that produce natural enemies
Companies that sell natural enemies (especially predatory and parasitoid arthropods for greenhouse pest control) have an interest in making sure that customers don’t inadvertently kill the natural enemies they buy with pesticides they are applying. I am aware of searchable databases, apps, or charts describing pesticide compatibility from four companies that sell (mostly) arthropod and nematode natural enemies: Agrobio, Biobest, BioWorks, and Koppert. If you know of some I’ve missed, please let me know! There are of course other companies that supply natural enemies. Here I’m focusing on resources that help you choose pesticides to conserve natural enemies.
This website is also available as an app for Android (but not Apple) devices. To use it, start by clicking Organisms selection and choose the natural enemies you want to conserve. Then, click Ingredients selection and choose the pesticides you are thinking about applying. You can only search active ingredients, not product names. Finally, click Query. Use the legend to help you interpret the table that’s produced.
Biobest has put their compatibility information into an app for Android and Apple devices. Select pesticides by either active ingredient or commercial product name. Then, search for the name of the Beneficial organism you want to conserve. Note that there are a lot of pesticide/natural enemy combinations for which toxicity data just aren’t available. If you select a pesticide, then natural enemies for which no data are available will be grayed out in the Beneficial organism list. As you check boxes next to pesticides and natural enemies, a chart is automatically generated. The results include information on toxicity to different life stages of the beneficial organisms and persistence of the product.
BioWorks provides a table of the compatibility of their products with pesticides, fertilizers, and adjuvants. You can filter the table by several criteria to find the information you’re looking for.
This website is also available as an app for Android and Apple devices. Start by entering the name of the Beneficial organism you want to protect. You can search by either the Koppert product name, or the Latin (scientific) name, but you can’t select from a drop-down menu. Just start typing. Then, choose the Agent (pesticide you are considering applying), by either trade name or active ingredient. Again, you need to know the name; you can’t select from a drop-down list. Start typing, and then check the box next to the product you are interested in. Click Results and be sure to click on ‘Legend’ at the bottom to help you interpret the table. There is also a more complete explanation of information in the legend under Info.
Some caveats about these websites
Admittedly, finding information about conserving natural enemies that are not commercially available for release (e.g., in greenhouses) has some challenges. These websites tend to focus on what you can buy and release, rather than on what may be naturally occurring in a field. Although sometimes there is some overlap. These apps/websites don’t include all natural enemies, and data aren’t available for all natural enemy/pesticide combinations. Also, these websites/apps usually list natural enemies by scientific names. Do you know what the scientific name of a lacewing is? I didn’t before I started this job!
To help with this last barrier, I created a chart (also below) to help you figure out what scientific names you should look for on these websites/apps if you want to conserve a particular natural enemy. It also includes information about which pests the natural enemies target, whether they are commercially available, and whether they are naturally occurring (not necessarily native) in NY.
Arthropod and nematode natural enemies
Can I buy them?
Found in NY?
If I want to conserve this beneficial arthropod…
(whose scientific name is…)
that helps me control…
I should look for these names on the compatibility apps:
aphid midges
Aphidoletes aphidimyza
Aphidoletes aphidimyza
beetles that are predators (for example, rove beetles, ground beetles, and others)
Coleoptera is the scientific name of the insect group that includes all beetles. The following families are generally predatory: Coccinellidae (lady beetles), Carabidae (ground beetles), Staphylinidae (rove beetles), Cantharidae (soldier beetles), Melyridae (flower beetles)
many insect pests
Coleoptera is a beneficial insect listed on at least one compatibility app. However, some coleoptera are pests. And, since this is such a broad group, the compatibility information provided may not be correct for all beneficial beetle species.
insect eggs, small caterpillars, thrips, mites, aphids
Orius laevigatus may be a reasonable proxy; Orius spp.; Orius insidiosus
Steinernema spp., Heterorhabditis spp.
thrips, fungus gnats, shore flies, some grubs
Nematodes (note that this is a very broad category and it’s possible there are differences among species), Heterorhabditisbacteriophora, Steinernema, Steinernemafeltiae, Steinernemacarpocapsae
Aphelinus abdominalis or Aphelinus mali may be reasonable proxies
predatory gall midge
Feltiella acarisuga
spider mites
Feltiella acarisuga
predatory mites
Amblyseius (= Neoseiulus) fallacis, Typhlodromus spp., and probably others
thrips, whitefly, pest mites; may vary among natural enemy species
Amblyseius californicus, Amblyseius cucumeris, Amblyseius swirskii, Phytoseiulus persimilis are sold commercially and may be good proxies for the pesticide compatibility of naturally-occurring predatory mites
spined soldier bug
Podisus maculiventris
many immature insects, including many species of caterpillars
I should look for these names on the compatibility apps:
bumble bee
Bombus spp.
NA – pollinator
Bombus spp., Bombus terrestris
European honey bee
Apis mellifera
NA – pollinator
Apis, Apis mellifera
Different strains or populations of these natural enemies are sold by different companies and each population may differ from natural populations. Each company is most likely to report compatibility data that applies to their population. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.
When the first word in the scientific name of an insect (e.g. Trichogramma) is followed by the designation ‘spp.’, it means multiple species that all belong to the same genus. Some compatibility information is given for only the larger group (e.g., Aphidius spp. or Syrphus spp.).
Natural enemies that are pesticides (active ingredients are microorganisms, i.e., fungi, bacteria, viruses)
If I want to conserve this microbial natural enemy…
(whose scientific name is…)
that helps me control…
I should look for these names on the compatibility apps:
Bacillus thuringiensis (various strains are available, and they control different pests)
many caterpillars and some immature beetle and fly pests (target pest varies by strain)
many insects (target pest depends on fungal species and strain)
Paecilomyces (=Isaria) fumosoroseus, Beauveriabassiana, Metarhiziumanisopliae (= M. brunneum)
fungi that attack plant diseases
there are multiple species, including Trichoderma harzianum (several strains)
Plant pathogens (the target pathogen depends on the fungal strain)
Trichoderma harzianum T-22 is the only fungal natural enemy I found on these apps, so far. It is unlikely that its compatibility is representative of other fungi that are natural enemies.
Different strains or populations of these microorganisms are sold by different companies and each of these populations may differ from natural populations. Each company is most likely to report compatibility data that applies to their population. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start.
In these apps/websites, the microbial active ingredient may be listed as the natural enemy (e.g., Paecilomyces fumosoroseus on Biobest website), but sometimes it’s only listed as a pesticide active ingredient. For compatibility of biopesticides with chemical pesticides, you should start by reading the label, then seek information provided by the manufacturer. I am starting to create biopesticide profiles that include available compatibilitiy information for these products.
All tables were assembled by Amara Dunn, NYSIPM using information from Natural Enemies of Vegetable Insect Pests (Hoffman & Frodsham) and were last updated January 2020.
Give it a try!
Imagine you were considering using one of the following active ingredients:
…to control spider mites. (Of course, before you did this, you’d read the labels and be sure that the use you were considering was legal!) If you were concerned about hurting parasitoids that help with aphid control (for example, the species Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi) which of these active ingredients would be the best choice (from a compatibility standpoint)?
Go ahead!
Look it up!
A note about microorganisms as natural enemies
Microbes used to control pests are biopesticides. In this conceptual diagram, the happy blue microbes are producing antimicrobial compounds that are killing the plant pathogens (represented by yellow rectangles with shocked faces).
There are a few “natural enemies” on this chart that are actually biopesticides, and I have listed them separately. Remember that microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses) that are natural enemies of pests are biopesticides. A few of them can be found in the websites/apps summarized above. There are two compatibility questions when it comes to using biopesticides with living microorganisms as active ingredients: (1) Will this biopesticide harm other natural enemies (e.g., predators and parasitoids)? and (2) Will the living microbe in this biopesticide be killed by other pesticides I might use? The websites/apps have some information about the compatibility of biopesticides with arthropod natural enemies. If you’re wondering about the compatibility of biopesticides with other pesticides, that may be a topic for another post (so many posts to write, so little time!). I’ll just offer two quick pieces of advice here:
Read the label of the biopesticide. If it doesn’t contain compatibility information (for use with other pesticides) or doesn’t answer your questions about compatibility with other natural enemies, contact the manufacturer to get your questions answered.
If you happen to be using one of their products, BioWorks describes the compatibility of their products with other pesticides, and this information is linked to individual product pages.
And what about the bees?
Take a look at the resources created by the Pollinator Network @ Cornell. They have prepared decision-making guides for several crops already, with more to come.
This post was written by Amara Dunn, Biocontrol Specialist with the NYSIPM program. All images are hers, unless otherwise noted.
Bioinsecticides include microorganisms and other naturally-derived compounds that control insect pests.
My post from last February described modes of action for biopesticides that target plant diseases…as well as the difference between a biopesticide and a biostimulant. January’s post described the modes of action of five biofungicides in an ongoing vegetable trial. But there are plenty of insect and mite pests out there, too. You can attract or release predatory or parasitic insects and mites or beneficial nematodes to deal with these arthropod (insect and mite) pests. But you can also use bioinsecticides that control insects and mites. The active ingredients include microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses), plant extracts, or other naturally-occurring substances. Want to know how they work? Keep reading.
Bioinsecticides can have one (or more) of the following modes of action:
Kill on contact
Kill after ingestion
Inhibit feeding
Inhibit growth
Inhibit reproduction
The examples included in the following descriptions are reported either on the bioinsecticide labels or in promotional materials produced by the manufacturers. And these are just examples, not meant to be an exhaustive list of bioinsecticides with each mode of action.
Killing on contact
Some bioinsecticides contain living spores of a fungus. These spores need to land on the insect. Then they germinate (like a seed), invade and grow throughout the body of the insect, and eventually kill it. If the humidity is high enough, the fungus may even produce more spores on the body of the dead insect.
Some bioinsecticides need to directly contact the body of the insect or mite in order to kill it. Bioinsecticides that contain living fungi work this way. The tiny fungal spores land on the insect or mite pest, germinate (like a seed), and infect the body of the pest. The fungus grows throughout the pest’s body, eventually killing it. If the relative humidity is high enough, you might even see insects that look like they are covered with powder or fuzz (but this is not necessary for the pest to die). This powdery or fuzzy stuff growing on the pest is the fungus producing more spores. Bioinsecticides that contain the fungal species Beauveria bassiana (e.g., BotaniGard, Mycotrol), Metarhizium anisopliae or brunneum (e.g., Met52), or Isaria fumosorosea (NoFly) are examples of fungal bioinsecticides with contact activity.
If the relative humidity is high enough, insects infected with a fungus may start growing new fungus on the outside of their bodies, appearing fuzzy or like they are covered in powder. Photo credit: Louis Tedders, USDA ARS,
Bioinsecticides that contain spinosad (including Entrust, SpinTor, and others) work because the active ingredient affects the nervous and muscular systems of the insect or mite, paralyzing and eventually killing it. It can kill the pest either through contact, or through ingestion (more on that in a moment). The bioinsecticide Venerate contains dead Burkholderia bacteria (strain A396) and compounds produced while growing the bacteria. One mode of action of Venerate is that it contains enzymes that degrade the exoskeleton (outer shell) of insects and mites on contact.
Killing by ingestion
Some bioinsecticides need to be eaten (ingested) in order to kill. Pesticides that contain the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (often called Bt for short) as the active ingredient are a good example. Proteins that were made by Bt while the bioinsecticide was being manufactured are eaten by insects and destroy their digestive systems. Several different subspecies of Bt are available as bioinsecticides, and the subspecies determines which insect pest it will be effective against. There are many bioinsecticides registered in NY that contain Bt as an active ingredient. Check NYSPAD for labels, and make sure you choose the right pesticide for the pest and setting where you need control. Bt products do not work on mites, aphids, or whiteflies.
Some bioinsecticides (blue diamonds in this diagram) will only kill pests if they are eaten first. Pesticides that contain Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria or insect viruses are examples of this mode of action.
Insect viruses are another example of a bioinsecticide active ingredient that kills through ingestion. For example, Gemstar contains parts of a virus that infects corn earworms and tobacco budworms. Once these caterpillars eat the Gemstar, the virus replicates inside the pest, eventually killing it.
Some bioinsecticides repel insects from the plants you want to protect. However, this mode of action may only work on certain pest species, or certain life stages of the pest. Read and follow the label. Bioinsecticides containing azadirachtin or neem oil, and Grandevo are reported to have repellent activity for some pests. Grandevo contains dead bacteria (Chromobacterium substugae strain PrAA4-1) and compounds produced by the bacteria while they were alive and growing.
Some bioinsecticides (blue diamonds and happy microbes in this diagram) protect plants because they repel insect and mite pests. This protects treated plants from pest damage.
Inhibit feeding
If you want insect and mite pests dead as soon as possible, I understand the sentiment. But in many cases stopping the pests from eating your plants would be just as good, right? Some bioinsecticides cause pests to lose their appetite days before they actually die. Like bioinsecticides that kill pests outright, some bioinsecticides that inhibit feeding require ingestion, while others work on contact. And these bioinsecticides may work this way for only certain pest species of certain ages. Read and follow those labels! Bioinsecticides containing Bt require ingestion and some can stop pest feeding before actually killing the pest. The same goes for Gemstar (corn earworm virus). This is another mode of action of azadirachtin products against some pests.
Some bioinsecticides (blue diamonds and happy microbes in this diagram) cause insect and mite pests to lose their appetites. Depending on the bioinsecticide, it either needs to contact the pest or be eaten by it.
Inhibit growth
Many insects and mites need to molt (shed their skin as they go from one life stage to another). Bioinsecticides that interfere with molting prevent pests from completing their life cycle. Like feeding inhibitors, these bioinsecticides won’t directly kill the pests you have, but they can prevent them from multiplying. This is another mode of action (again, for certain pests at certain stages of development) listed for azadirachtin products and Venerate (Burkholderia spp. strain A396).
Some bioinsecticides (blue diamonds in this diagram) don’t kill insects and mites outright, but they can prevent them from molting and growing into the next life stage. Pests that can’t move on to the next life stage will eventually die without completing their life cycle.
Inhibit reproduction
There are two main types of bioinsecticides that prevent or slow insect reproduction. Pheromones are compounds that confuse insects that are looking for mates. If males and females can’t find each other, there won’t be a next generation of the pest. Pheromones can be especially useful when the adults that are looking for mates don’t feed (e.g., moths). Isomate and Checkmate are two examples of pheromones available for certain fruit pests. Other bioinsecticides actually reduce the number of offspring produced by a pest. This is one of the modes of action of Grandevo (Chromobacterium substugae strain PRAA4-1) against certain pests.
Pheromones (represented here by blue diamonds) are a type of bioinsecticide that confuses insects looking for a mate. As a result, males and females can’t find each other, don’t mate, and don’t lay eggs.
Why do I care?
Do you mean besides the fact that you are a curious person and you want to know how biopesticides work? Knowing the mode of action for the pesticide you use (among other things) allows you to maximize its efficacy. Does the bioinsecticide need to contact the pest, or be eaten by it? This determines where, when, and how you apply it. Do you want to use a bioinsecticide that inhibits growth of the pest? Make sure you use it when pests are young. (Sidenote: Like all biopesticides, bioinsecticides generally work best on smaller populations of younger pests.) Is the first generation of the pest the one that causes the most damage? Don’t rely on a bioinsecticide that inhibits reproduction. Although if the pest overwinters in your field and doesn’t migrate in, maybe you could reduce the population for the next season.
Now is a great time of year to consider the insect and mite pests you are likely to encounter this season, then learn which bioinsecticides include these pests (and your crop and setting) on the label. Always read and follow the label of any pesticide (bio or not). How do you know whether these bioinsecticides are likely to work in NY on the pests listed on the label? That’s a topic for another post. In the meantime, the Organic Production Guides for fruit and vegetables from NYS IPM are a great place to start. When available, they report efficacy of OMRI-listed insecticides (including some bioinsecticides). Your local extension staff are another great resource.
An adult mosquito emerges, while other immature mosquitoes (larvae) are still present in this container of standing water. The first step to mosquito management around the home is eliminating standing water wherever possible to prevent mosquito breeding. Photo credit: Matt Frye, NYS IPM
Are mosquitoes bothering you while you enjoy summer in your backyard? An IPM approach is definitely the way to go. Start by checking your yard to see where water might be standing. It could be in toys, flower pots, tarps, wheel barrows, gutters, bottle caps, or so many other places you may not have noticed. Removing standing water from your yard takes away places where mosquitoes breed. Less mosquito breeding, fewer mosquitoes. Always think prevention first when you’re addressing a mosquito problem. Read more about mosquito IPM on the Think IPM Blog and What’s Bugging You?
If there are still some containers you just can’t empty (for example, a lined garden pond), you can find some biopesticides (remember, some biopesticides are biocontrols, too!) in your local garden center to help you with your mosquito IPM. Just make sure you follow all instructions on the label of any product you buy. Read all about mosquito biocontrol on this new fact sheet.
And, if you want to learn so much more about IPM for both mosquitoes and ticks, you still have a little time to register for the 4th Annual NYS IPM Conference on Integrated Management of Ticks and Mosquitoes. But hurry – the conference is August 7th!
This small black Delphastus is helping to control whiteflies in a greenhouse. It’s important that other pest management strategies in this greenhouse are used in such a way that they do not harm the Delphastus.
If you were going to tank mix chemical pesticides, you would of course read the label to check for compatibility before mixing products. The same concept applies when using living organisms for pest control. Whether you are using parasitoid wasps, predatory mites, microorganisms, or nematodes, you need to know whether your biocontrols are compatible with each other and any other pest management products you plan to use. For example, a biocontrol fungus might be killed if you tank mix it with (or apply it just before) a chemical fungicide. Insecticides (whether or not they are biological) could be harmful to natural enemy insects and mites. Even some beneficial insects are not compatible with each other because they may eat each other instead of (or in addition to) the pest.
It’s a good idea to keep an updated list of the products and organisms you plan to use for pest management, and their compatibility with each other. For biopesticides (remember the difference between “biopesticide” and “biocontrol”?), start by reading the label (see label excerpt below). You must follow all instructions you find there. Many manufacturers also provide lists, tables, databases, or apps to help you find compatibility information (some links at the end of this post). This is especially useful for insect, mite, and nematode natural enemies, which are not pesticides and do not have pesticide labels. When possible, obtain compatibility information from the manufacturer or supplier you will be using. Different strains of the same microorganism or nematode may have different sensitivities to chemicals.
This excerpt from the label of the bioinsecticide Preferal provides some information on its compatibility with other products. All instructions on a pesticide label must be followed.
Remember that NY pesticide labels (including biopesticide labels) can be found through the NYSPAD system.
Below are some links to resources from several manufacturers and suppliers of biocontrol products. No endorsement of specific companies or products mentioned in this post is intended. If you know of a link to additional information that is missing, please let me know so that I can include it!
Beneficial nematodes from BASF – This chart describes compatibility of beneficial nematodes sold by BASF with natural enemies and pesticides. Note that only the genus name of each “biological” active ingredient is listed, and that over time, the names of some predatory mites (and whether they belong to the genus Amblyseius or Neoseiulus) have changed.
Biobest Side Effect Manual – This side effects manual is available either as an interactive website, or as an app. Choose pest management products by active ingredient or name of the commercial product (including the biocontrol microorganisms Beauveria bassiana and several types of Bacillus thuringiensis). The list of “beneficial organisms” to choose from includes bumble bees and nematodes, but not beneficial microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, and viruses). Select active ingredients/commercial products and beneficial organisms from both lists, then use the legend to interpret the compatibility information that is generated.
Koppert Side Effects Information – This information is available either as an interactive website, or as an app. Select beneficial organisms of interest (by either the Koppert product name or the Latin name). Select one or more “Agents” (pest management products) by either the trade name or the active ingredient. Click on Results, and use the Legend to interpret the output.