Maddie Woo

무조림 or mujorim (Braised radish)

Hi! My name is Maddie and I go by she/her pronouns. I am a current sophomore in the Hotel School pursuing a minor in Asian American studies. I grew up in Seoul and attended high school in California so much of my background is East Asian centered. I am extremely passionate about food and beverage (I have a baking business so if you want any baked goods let me know 🙂 ) and I am especially interested in the intersection between Asian food with African influences and vice versa as the two use different ingredients but with similar flavors. I was really excited to learn about new foods and hope to get to know you all!

One thought on “Maddie Woo

  1. Maddie, that is wonderful to hear. I’m sure we would all love to learn from you about food entrepreneurship. Please give us a link and info about your bakery business.
    무조림 sounds delicious. Will be interested to trace the origins of radishes as they are eaten in so many disparate cuisines.

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