Amrita Chakraborty

Shrimp Malaikari

It’s lovely to meet you all! My name is Amrita and my pronouns are she/her. I’m a first year PhD student in Comparative Literature located in New York City, where I’ll be participating in the semester remotely. Presently, my interests include feminist, gender and sexuality studies, post-colonial theory and literature, South Asian studies, Latin American studies and Asian American literature. I was immediately drawn to this course due to the connections and parallels between African and Asian cultures, and I’m deeply excited to learn more about these intersections in cuisine, literature and music.

On the personal side, I’ve lived in Queens, NY all my life so I’m excited to move to Ithaca hopefully in the spring and break out of my urban shell a bit! I love music, poetry, fiction, and dance, and I’ve been fairly involved in the online literary/publishing world throughout the past few years. I’ve also lately become more interested in global films, so if you have any recommendations for must-see movies, please do drop them below! Looking forward to getting to know you all over the course of this semester 🙂

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