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Using Game Theory to Analyze Operations Against Time-Critical Targets

One of the major topics discussed in this course to date is game theory. As we have seen thus far, especially from the wide array of blog posts, game theory is an extremely useful strategic tool and can be applied to many different fields. The article cited discusses the utilization of game theory in military […]

Game Theory and Auction Strategy to resolve Overbooking Earlier this year, there was a United airline scandal where a passenger was forcibly removed from their seat on the airplane because it was overbooked. Once all the anger and hatred towards United airlines passed, the question still remained of what is the possible solution to resolve situation of overbooking enabled by the airlines. […]

How e-Commerce Uses Game Theory to Capture Consumer Dollars The rise and rapid proliferation of technology has forced companies to adapt in order to stay relevant and competitive. Specifically, the consumer retail industry has recently navigated this changing landscape by utilizing collected consumer data to make prices dynamic depending on seasonal factors and even the strategies of their competitors. These companies are trying […]

Structural balance and relations in the Middle East

In lecture, we covered the notion of structural balance, which describes the tendency of relations between, in a simple form, three entities, and in a more complicated form, interconnected networks of entities. When three people (or for the purposes of this post, countries) have some mixture of positive and negative relations between them, in most […]

Game Theory in Biological Evolution

Source: In class, we have seen that any strategic interaction between several decision makers can be analyzed using Nash equilibriums. Now researchers from Berkeley have examined biological evolution through the lens of game theory and found that natural selection can be viewed as a repeated game where genes are the players and each gene has a number of […]

Graph Theory in Friends

Friends has become the quintessential TV sitcom of the 90s and has given us six lovable characters to quote in common scenarios. All six of the characters were good friends, but Ben Blatt of Slate attempts to take a look to see which of the six friends were the closest. Can the amount of screen […]

Bridging the Political Divide in America with Game Theory

Just over a week ago, Noah Smith published an article in Bloomberg titled “A Game-Theory Solution for a Fractured America.” In his article, Smith analyzes the current political divide in America through a Game-Theory lens. Smith frames the situation so not to differentiate Republicans from Democrats, other than that the two are parts of opposing […]

The Game Theory of “The Price is Right”

“The Price is Right” is a game show that, for years, has entertained generations of Americans young and old. The goal of the game is simply, guess the price of a potential prize and the contestant whose guess is the closest to the actual price, wins. At first glance the game appears to be one […]

Cybersecurity Dilemma in the Context of Game Theory

The constant threat of cyberattacks by other states or state-sponsored actors is forcing countries to reevaluate their national security stances. In an article for the Council on Foreign Relations, Harvard fellow Ben Buchanan formulated what he calls a “cybersecurity dilemma,” a concept that builds upon the infamous security dilemma in international relations. The basic idea of […]

Flavor Networks: Understanding Food Pairing vs. Food Bridging: This article from the MIT technology review discusses limitations of the “food pairing” hypothesis and explains “food bridging” as a better way to think about how ingredients are paired together.   The food pairing hypothesis proposed that ingredients are combined into cohesive dishes when they share flavor molecules. After researchers analyzed a network of ingredients […]

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September 2017
