Halloween and its relevance in today’s society

During Table Talk today, we talked about the history of Halloween and its relevance in today’s world. A tradition originated by the Celtic people 2,000 years ago in Ireland, it’s still a part of today’s traditions. It was interesting to hear of different people’s experiences with it growing up. Some didn’t celebrate it, while others participated in town festivals dedicated to the 31st of October. It was also cool to see how many people relate it to happy memories with family and friends, much like my own experience. Overall, I learned that for years, Halloween has been a celebration that brings people together, in their love for scary things and candy.

2 thoughts on “Halloween and its relevance in today’s society

  1. This sounded like a very interesting talk, since people today just celebrate Halloween without giving much thought to the ‘why’ of the holiday.

  2. This sounds like an interesting topic because it is relevant now! The way people interact with holidays in modern day is very interesting. Often we celebrate and interact with them in ways that differ from original practices or are not totally consistent with the meaning of the holiday. I would be curious to know exactly how and why Halloween started.