A Professional Makeover

The Rose Cafe with Nicholas Carbonaro was extremely interesting and was a promise come true.  Professor Blalock promised more events on professional development and, through this event, he delivered. Going into the cafe, I was nervous because I thought that it would be an actual physical evaluation but, Nick’s friendly persona easily put me to ease. His easy-going nature and cute presentation was entertaining. I liked how he and the owner of his salon (?) opened up their business as a place where Cornell students could go and get the professional makeover they’re looking for.

Nick’s points about hair and taking care of one’s hair was extremely helpful. He was right in pointing out that, as college students, we shouldn’t be damaging our hair with bizarre colors or costly hair cuts that need to be maintained. It is true that one should get a trim every 6 months but, one should also care for one’s hair through certain products. Growing up in an South Asian family, we traditionally use coconut oil to “hydrate” our hair. I didn’t realize it until Nick mentioned that coconut on hot days actually starts to fry your hair. Now, I remember why I used to argue with my grandma about putting oil in my hair. Another suggestion I found extremely useful was braiding up your damp hair with silk ribbons and night to enhance wavy hair. I have wavy, almost bordering curly hair, and Nick’s suggestions for curly hair helped a lot. I think I’ll definitely pay him a visit for a consultation.

One thought on “A Professional Makeover

  1. I agree. It was nice to hear a take on how to present yourself in a way that is suitable to a professional environment. Nick talked about how easy it is for interviewers and other recruiters to characterize someone based on self-presentation.