Walking on Sunshine

When I chose to come to Cornell, I was excited about the prospect of being able to discover a new hiking trail every weekend. Needless to say this did not happen as I was quickly caught up in the stress of college life. This weekend I decided to go for the Cascadilla Gorge Hike. I thought this would be a great opportunity to discover and learn about at least one hiking trail. This was a particularly nice one to learn about because it had so much history intertwined with Cornell’s history. For example, Cascadilla Hall was one of the first buildings to make up Cornell’s Campus. Additionally, the stone that makes up the now-dorm came from the gorge itself. We also learned about some of the geology of the gorge. It is made up many layers of sedimentary, which compressed over hundreds of thousands of years, and now makes up the walls of the gorge. This was a nice change in pace from my usual Saturday morning, which is just doing homework.

One thought on “Walking on Sunshine

  1. Yes, the gorges and lakes and trails on campus are part of what sets Cornell apart from other schools. We’re a little isolated, but that can be a good thing. It’s nice to be able to go for a nature walk and get some fresh air whenever you want.
    Of course, there’s also the NYC campus for opportunities in the city. We’ve really got the best of both worlds.