Being Open About Romance

Yesterday’s Real Talk at Rose was comfortable, entertaining, and informative. I generally don’t like participating in discussions, especially about something as intimate as romantic relationships, but the environment was so casual and inviting that I raised my hand to participate multiple times. I come from a moderately old-fashioned family, where I didn’t feel comfortable discussing things like dating and crushes, so having a setting where I could easily talk about my hopes and obstacles in regards to romance is extremely appreciated. I have personally never been in a romantic relationship before, but listening to others talk about their experience with dating and trying to keep a close intimate connection with someone else in this hectic and stressful academic environment was very enlightening. There was a little bit of nervousness, perhaps people were uncomfortable with opening up to acquaintances they had probably never met before, but on the whole I left feeling like I had had an interesting experience. If another discussion on dating comes up again, I will definitely show up for it.

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