Living in the U.S. it can be easy to forget how convenient many aspects of life are here when compared to another country. Even with its current multitude of issues, there are basic rights and opportunities everyone in the U.S. has that isn’t as accessible elsewhere in the world, especially when concerning early education. That’s why Dr. Kutela’s talk was so insightful and intriguing. Even through various news outlets and social media, it’s very hard to accurately portray the exact nature and cause of a large issue. However, having someone who has lived through, and studies, the current problems of the African economy makes it clear that this is a large cause of the lack of education in Africa. Even if parents want to send their kids to school, that not only means having to pay for school and everything that goes along with that, but also losing extra money in lost labor. Add in the factor that a bad season could be fatal, it makes much more sense why getting an education can be so hard and the inherent frustration in the problem.
This talk sounds really interesting. Based on your positive experience I think I should definitely attend a dinner conversation in the future as it seems like a great opportunity to learn.