Judge Miller’s Lesson

Judge Scott Miller’s talk on Wednesday night was both interesting and informative. It isn’t often that I get to hear experiences of a judge, so to listen to Judge Miller’s stories and lessons was very refreshing and engaging. Though, it was one point Judge Miller discussed that resonated with me: sometimes, we have to do something that we don’t want to do or couldn’t think we could do in order to accomplish a greater goal. During one of his cases early in his career, Judge Miller was forced to represent a client he knew was guilty of the accusations. Judge Miller didn’t think he could win the case, as all the evidence was against his client, and dropping the case wasn’t an option. He had to stand in trial and fight for justice, no matter how unconfident he felt. In the end, Judge Miller won the case, to his surprise.


This story showed me that, no matter how much I feel I won’t succeed in something, I can do it, even if everything and everyone is against me. This message will serve me well as I advance in my academic and professional careers. When I inevitably encounter a situation similar to Judge Miller’s, I will remember that it is my drive and determination to accomplish a goal that will determine my success, not any of the intervening obstacles.

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